A family crest part 2

"How are you able to wield a sword like that? I can't move it at all." She was staring at me as she picked the sword up. It still looked heavy for her, but she was allowed to take it from the ground, and that's already more than I could do. I wasn't able to even pull it up.

"It's not that you can't move it. You are not allowed to move it. Look at this, it's my family crest." There was a sign of several roses on the bottom of the blade. It looked very detailed and quite beautiful. "My ancestors made it so only our family descendants are allowed to wield this sword. But even my husband was not allowed to use it, it's a direct daughter or son that can use it." This is a very odd thing, but I understand it. it's not confusing. It's something I wouldn't expect from a blacksmith, they make swords, don't use them. But this family is different. At least her ancestors were different.