None of us changes over time;
we only become more fully what we are.
Surely the girl was not just an ordinary and a conventional girl of her age. Even the strongest of men had never dared to get past these creepy woods.
Lisa quickly rushed back towards Marc, who was now lying down on the surface of the mud floor, besides the fireplace, where Lisa had placed him. "Oh, his breathing has almost stopped. I better hurry up."
Lisa quickly rushed towards the already lit fireplace and aimed the knife straight towards the flames, making it turn extremely hot for a few seconds. The knife changed its color a bit, turning a bit dark due to the impact of tje fire.
She then rushed back to the boy and instantly made a large cut with the hot knife right on top of the wound, caused by the beast. Marc wriggled in pain while his eyes opened again in much shock and agony.
His eyes yet again searched for the girl and his gaze was now fixed on her alluring face, as she treated him. She patted his dark hairy head lovingly and smiled. "Don't worry! Just a matter of few seconds and the poison will be healed from your body. This dagger can kill poison very easily from such kind of animals."
Marc felt extremely soothing and relaxing as the girl caressed his hair and cheeks lovingly. She had made an extremely large wound on his already injured leg, but yet the boy could only concentrate at the doting touch of her hand.
The girl started to rub the wound with her other hand and suddenly the red colored blood oozing out turned extremely thick and dark. Almost like a molten lava of a volcano, the entire poison starting flowing out of his body and the girl smiled in much gratification. "It has started. Hang in there. You will soon be fine."
Marc could already feel the pain dwindle a bit and he too smiled back looking at her. "Nobody has ever cared like this for me. Why are you doing all this to me?" He looked at her with love filled eyes and yet again his dark eyes were stuck on her charming and glowing face.
The girl turned to look at him and instantly removed her hand from his face. She blushed a bit and pursed her lips feeling a bit bashful. "I... I.. just could not see you wriggling in so much pain. And.. it was just for the humanity's sake and nothing else." She blushed harder under the boy's gaze, as he noticed her large and enchanting fawn colored eyes.
"Haha. Ok. I shall not embarrass you anymore Lisa. But I really appreciate your help. You have saved my life, I just want you to know that." The boy could not help but grin widely looking at her.
"It... It is nothing. You don't have to thank me." She nodded her head and got up on her feet walking towards a small piece of bamboo furniture. It looked more like an olden day's dressing table, which had a colossal mirror on the centre, while several exquisite perfumed ether bottles on one side. She was now busy fetching out a few balms and several pieces of clothing from a titchy drawer.
Marc had now lifted his head a little and was looking carefully at the girl, upto his heart's desire. The girl knew she was constantly being watched, but she nevertheless tried to ignore it and not feel more self- effacing.
The darkness in a woman is such
that, stripped of our sight, we must feel
our way through it - we crawl,
we enter her circles of Hell until
we sympathize with her sorrow,
until we learn from her rage
- Sagovia Amil