The darkness is a woman is such that,
stripped of our sight,
we must feel our way through it -
we crawl,
we entet her circle of Hell until
we sympathize with her sorrow;
until we learn from her rage.
Marc leered at the girl in much horror as she slowly walked towards him, holding the bowl in her hand. "S.. stay away from me."
He dragged his body a bit backwards and stumbled several times before finally standing up on his feet.
"I will not harm you Marc. Don't worry. Otherwise, why would I have healed you?" Lisa smirked again, taking another sip of the fluid. She then wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, smudging her mouth and hands in the process. "This is so good. You will love it. Don't you also silently crave for it? Just one taste of it, and you will not be able to stop. I promise. Here have this." Lisa held out her hands yet again and tilted her head a bit, smiling at him.
"No! You creep. Stay away from me. I am leaving!" Marc wanted to curse his fate as he could not decide which one was the worse situation for him. "It was better to die on the hands of that beast! You are a lot scarier than it." Marc ran towards the main door of the house, which was now tightly shut. To his surprise there was no handle on the door to pull it towards him. If he tried to push it, the door did not even budge.
"Arghhhh!!!!" He slammed his fist on the door and screamed in trepidation "Why the hell am I so weak?"
"Weak? Wow! This is the first time, I have heard something like this from one of your kind. Are not you all always too proud and bossy about your strength and power? Not that am scared of it!" The girl looked at him in a challenging way and walked upto a tiny bamboo seat and sat down, crossing her legs.
She then patted the seat of the adjoining chair and looked at Marc. "Come join me in the feast. Don't worry I will not bite you. Infact I am not the one to bite, is not that you? Hahaha!" As if having spoken a very hysterical joke, the girl laughed out loudly and roughly. She was no longer than feminine and delicate self. As she laughed her red colored stained inner mouth revealed and she looked even more petrifying.
"No! I have to go. Thanks for saving me." The boy gulped in fear, yet again trying to open the door. His heart was racing rapidly and the dimly lit room, was making the girl look scarier every minute. Each second her expressions grew more dangerous and Marc felt he was too dumb witted to even fall for her in the first place.
"But I boiled this potion for you. Look..... let me tell you what all is in this." The girl dipped her hand in the hot boiling liquid and pulled it out. She then started licking the red stained hand with her tongue, as the thick liquid slid all over her arm. "Ummmm.... so good. So, I have added a few pieces of flesh." The girl licked her lips and then again continued to lick her palm.
"Flesh? You mean chicken or meat?" The boy looked at the girl behaving in the most atrocious manner, when suddenly a loud thunder echoed all over the atmosphere.
The storm was coming and the boy knew he had to move out of the girl's house fast or he will not be able to cross the woods.
The boy banged the door several times and kicked it, but the door did not budge. "For godsake! Open this door. I have to go!" Marc pulled his hair in much frustration as he turned to look at Lisa, who was calmly sitting and drinking her potion, smudging it all over her clothes. Looking at the messy girl, Marc wanted to throw up there and then and he covered his lips with his hand.
"This door will not open till you do not finish this drink. I promise, once you finish it, that beast will not come after you for a few days atleast." Lisa smirked and started humming softly, while looking straight at him.
"Hmmm... La.. laa... laaa... hmm.. hmmm... la.. la... laa laa....."
Marc gulped in fear as the girl hummed dangerousely, looking at him. "You promise you will not harm me?"
"Of course. I always keep my promise. It is in my blood. I am not a cold and cheat like you all." The girl spoke sarcastically and yet again stretched out her hand towards him.
A witch ought never be afraid in the darkest forest,
because she should be sure on her soul
that the most terrifying thing in the forest
was HER....