Confused boy

Slowly walking on a rough and bushy trail, he was just thinking about what had happened in past one hour of his life. He was so engrossed in his thoughts, that he did not feel scared of crossing the forest now. "Wha.. what just happened? First a giant beast comes on front of my house almost about to kill me and I end up in a forest, where I see a house. Then I meet this pretty girl, living alone in that forest and she manages to talk it out. And I am alive!!" Marc murmered as he walked past a beautiful lake, shimmering with the moon light.

After another fifteen minutes, the boy finally reached the edge of the forest. "Oh, I did not even realize, I have crossed an entire forest all by myself." Marc scratched his head in utter astonishment and started walking towards the barren land again, where hexwas running earlier.

He had just taken a few steps ahead, when suddenly somebody grabbed his elbow with much force. The sky had turned darker, while the thunder in the sky was bellowing like an angry lion. The night seemed to be telling the city that something major was about to happen.

"Arghhhh!!" The boy jumped in fear and turned to look back.

A very old lady who had terribly wrinkled face was standing in front of him, looking atraight in his eyes. She was wearing a dark blue robe and a black scarf on her head. Her hands were shivering as she pointed her finger at Marc. "You boy, you also have started hovering around this jungle, just like your mother. Do you also want to die a cruel death like her? Stay away from her! Stay away! !!!!"

Marc instantly jerked away his elbow from the lady's strong grip. Even though the lady was too old but to Marc's surprise, her grip was pretty strong for her age. "What?! I beg your pardon but do I know you??"

The lady brought her head closer to Marc, scaring Marc a little. He was really confused as she was third strange being, he had encountered today. "No you do not know me but I know you very well. Stay away from her and this forest. Don't do what your parents had done! Don't be a fool. Leave this town and run away before they catch you." The lady brought her hands closer to Marc's chest and jerked him away a bit, signalling him run away. "I can see it in your eyes. I can smell it. They are coming for you. Run boy run!! Or you will have the same fate as your mother."

The lady was about to jerk him back again when took a few steps back in defence. "Listen, I don't know how you are and I don't say anything to women, but please leave me alone. I have already had a very confusing day today, almost at the verge of being killed twice and now you are confusing me again."

"If you call this a danger then let me warn you boy, this is just the beginning. Why do you think people are scared of you? Why do you think nobody came to your help when your parents got lost. Even your uncle did not help you. Don't you find it strange? Don't you have questions in your head?" The lady gave a piercing look to him, as if having read his soul.

These thoughts had always troubled Marc, but he had never found anybody to answer them precicely because, nobody ever was interested in talking to him.