The room

Marc thought for a few more seconds as all the harrowing experiences of his parents getting missing suddenly echoed in his head. Ever since he was five years old, he had been living alone. He survived on the food present in the freezing room. Luckily due to some reason, his parents had stocked tones of food, which till date he never understood why?

At times he often felt that his parents always knew that they might disappear one day and thus made sure there son does not stay hungry. His mother always trained him to cook and eat from the fridge and right from childhood he was sent alone to school.

Even after his parents died he continued going to school and to his surprise he also recieved an enrollment letter to best college in Hellwood. The fees was paid and his meals were already paid by his parents so he never had to live hungry.

But the emotional support he needed was never there for him, and thus he always knew he had to stand alone for himself. Nobody in college made him a friend and he would eat and sit all alone in corner.

But, now he will have to enter his parent's room and he knew this might cause him to break down emotionally. "It is ok Marc. You have seem worse than this. You just have to go to the dressing and rummage through dad's clothes."

He nodded his neck and finally touched the cold circular handle of the door, pushing it downwards. With one click the door opened and he stepped inside the room. With shivering feet he stepped inside the room and looked at the vast circular room, with several antique pieces decorated all over. A large bed was situated in one corner, just next to the window.

Several old books were placed near the fireplace, while one wall was entirely covered with family photographs. Marc smiled a bit as he looked at numerous photoframes, filled with happy times he had once spent with his parents. There were several other people too in certain photos whom Marc had never seen. "Who are these people? If they loved my parents so much, why did they not come for me after there death... af.. after they disapperared." The boy still believed that his parents were alive and probably had some good reason to leave him alone. He coukd never digest the fact that all of a sudden and co- incidently both his parents would disappear.

Marc hesitated a bit as he looked at several people who looked the sane age as of his parents. "They all must have grown old now. I wonder who they are...." He sighed and then spotted a familiar looking lady. He frowned a bit hard and then walked closer to the frame, hanging high on the wall. Marc was six feet tall, so it was no problem for him to see the frame.

He had seen the photo several times, but never had he found it so peculiar, untill today. The photo was of her mother Eza wearing a black colored beautiful dress, her dark hair left open and her long and gorgeous smiling face looking ahead at the camera. She had encircled her arm around another girl of same age who had fawn colored hair and fawn eyes. Her skin was also fair just like her mother and she was also happily smiling looking at the camera. The fawn eyed lady's one hand was on Eza's stomach, which Marc always believed was maybe he was in his mother's womb. Though Eza did not show it from her belly, but the picture seemed to have been taken, when she had gotten the news of expecting Marc.