Marc was suddenly reminded of the times he cuddled with his mother. This was the sane fragrance he used to inhale, each time he hugged her. "Oh mother! Where are you? I miss you so much."
Marc touched a red colored elegant gown, hanging inside the large cupboard. He touched the fabric of the gown taking deep breaths. There were atleast a hundred more such elegant gowns, hanging one after the other, looking perfectly intact and brand new. There were several drawers situated in the corner of the spacious cupboard and Marc opened the top most drawer, revealing her mother's precious jewellary. The drawer was full of beautifully crafted necklaces, earings and bracelets of diamonds, rubies and saffires. Marc smiled lovingly as he grazed his hands on the fine pieces of jewellary. He remembered some of these pieces being worn by her mother in there monthly ball parties. "I miss those ball parties mom. This house was always so lively and chirpy once."
He closed the drawer wiping away his tears and walked towards the next transparent glass door, cuboard. It was full of atleast 50 pairs of elegant and high heeled footwears, mostly in black and red color. He did not open it but rather walked towards the a strange looking metallic door, which looked different from rest of the doors.
He frowned a bit in confusion and planted his hand on the handle. As soon as he planted his hand on the metallic bar, a sudden 'click' sound appeared and the heavy door opened by itself. "I wonder what might I find inside it."
Marc with shivering hands opened the gigantic door, which almost as high as his own height. He revealed several large drawers, which had a typical fire sign on top of each one. Marc grazed his finger on the sign and pulled a circular ring to open the heavy drawer.
There were several papers piled up on top of each other, with several prints and stamps on it. Marc took out a few papers and his jaw dropped open in surprise. "These are the property deal papers? Just how many propeties did they buy?" Marc read a few papers, and then came across a thick paper with the word 'WILL' written on top it.
He frowned harder in confusion. "Why would a man of just 28 years of age write his will, to make sure everything belongs to his 5 year old son? Did mom dad already knew they could die?" Marc's head was now getting a bit dizzy and he instantly closed the drawer not having any energy to explore further drawers.
He instantly walked upto his father's closet opening it instantly. He did not look much and quickly took out a few pair of clothings to last a few days. "This is it! I am out of here!" He slammed the door shut trying not to think much, while he placed the clothes on his left arm. He was about to walk out of the closet, when a piece of paper from his father's shirt's pocket fell on the floor.
Marc was about to plant his foot on the paper, when he nearly noticed it. "Now, what is this paper?"
His heart raced rapidly, as he saw a white colored folded paper on the floor. "Should I...? Should I not? He gulped in much nervouseness as he could see something hand written on the paper. "Is this written by dad?" He took a deep breath and finally picked up the slip walking out of the closet.