Dream or reality?

Lost in his dreams, this was the first time he was experiencing such a vivid dream.....

He was yet again running on a barren land, but this time not out of fear. He looked like, he was searching for something. The night was extra silent, and only the thundering of lightening could be heard or seen. After walking on a barren land, suddenly a gigantic house appeared before him which looked pretty much similar to his own house.

He walked upto the main gate, when his gaze fell upon his own self. He was dressed in a strange black attire, and his arms and hands looked a lot different. They appeared bigger and stronger to him, just like his father.

He had this strange mark on his wrist, which resembled a fire sign and he instantly kicked the gate to open. He clearly had much more strength in his dream, than he ever had all his life. He walked inside a dark and creepy looking house, when suddenly several bats started hovering on top of him, creating a screeching noise.

But Marc was totally uneffected by this noise and he walked straight upto a dull and scary looking garden of the house. There were blood drops all over the rough grass, shining under the moonlight, and Marc could see feel the delight in his body upon seeing the blood drops. He had this sudden urge to bend over and lick those drops, but he currently was searching for something else.

He further walked inside the garden, in between the thorny bushes when he realized that the bushes had all black colored roses on it, wide and blooming. He walked past them, when suddenly he spotted a wide wooden box in the middle of the garden.

The box was indeed a coffin, extremely beautiful and large. It had dark wooden top, with beautiful engravings on it. Marc smiled and then rushed towards the coffin. With one swift move, he unlocked the lock of the coffin and threw it open.

Lying inside was a beautiful lady, with pale white skin and dark hair. She was wearing a black colored robe, with a pearl necklace around her neck. Her face looked extremely relaxed, and her eyes were shut. The black eye shadow and the red lipshade made her pale complexion even more striking. She was indeed a beauty and Marc smiled looking at her.

Softly he grazed his hand on the lady's cheek and smiled lovingly at her. The thunder storm suddenly increased in intensity, and light pouring drops, fell on the boy.

"I am here now mother. It is time for you to get up....." Marc smiled, and caught hold of the pearl necklace, breaking it away.

As the shining peal necklace broke, the pearls fell everywhere, creating a falling sound amidst total silence.

It seemed like the entire time had halted and a few raindrops fell on the lady's face. Her eyes flickered a bit and then instantly opened looking straight at her son Marc.

"Welcome back mother!" Marc smiled holding out his hand to her.