
"Arghhhhh! Dadda!!" Marc got up from his sleep yet again panting heavily, in much distress. This time he was way more filled with sweat and his body had gone extremely cold. "W.... why am I feeling cold?" He pressed his palms together, trying to warm them and looked at a wall clock hung on the side wall.

"Damn! I just slept for 20 minutes. What is happening today? Maybe opening mom and dad's closet was really a bad idea. It is really.. really effecting my mind." Marc straightened his back and looked outside the gigantic glass window.

The shining full moon was throwing its glare inside the room, while a dim lamp light had lit up the room lightly. Marc had never slept in the dark from past seventeen years as it helped him get less scared in the huge mansion. But today it was clearly not helping.

He got off from the bed and turned the light to maximum, making everything in the room visible. He then sipped some water from the old crystal jug, placed on the bed side and then sat on the bed again, wiping his sweaty forehead. "I think the light will help me now."

He lied down straight on the bed looking at the dome shaped ceiling of his room. A gigantic crystal chandelier was hanging on top of his head, while all around the ceiling there were several carving on the wood, which were till now always a mystery to Marc. "Look at these exiquisite carvings. This house must have been built with so much of hardwork. It must have taken years for it to finish abd it will take me years to figure out what these carvings represent. All the places have these same carvings, the doors, the ceilings, library.... as if these are signifying something." Marc sighed deeply and then closed his eyes, feeling the extreme silence around him.

The boy was used to this spooky silence all around him, with no sound of any other life except for a hooting owl or screeching bat. In another few minutes his breath grew deeper and he dozzed of, yet again visualizing the same dream.

He was standing next to his father's coffin, and James instantly jumped out of the wooden box, smiling at the his son and wife. "Ohh, my dear ones." He instantly hugged Marc lovingly patting his head in much pride. "You brought us back son. Thank you. You have been very brave all these years without us. We are proud of you."

"I love you dadda. I missed you." Marc spoke with a heavy heart hugging his dad tightly.

A tear dropped down from Eva's eye and James smirked looking at his wife. "My gorgeousness. You look lovely. Did you miss me?"

"Not at all. Why would I miss you?" Eva smirkec in much sarcasm as James waljed towards his wife.

They both embraced each other in much love and soon planted a deep and passionate kiss to each other, not wanting to ever part again.

Marc blushed a little looking at his parents kissing each other and he turned away his head. "I still have a little work to do. See you both."

The two did not reply, but were busy kissing each other while Marc walked further ahead in the garden, crossing several wild trees and bushes. Just then he halted outside a gigsntic stone made cave, which was closed with several iron bars.




Marc instantly started kicking the bars and with two kicks he had managed to make a way for himself. He walked inside the dark cave, which was full of dust and stench of blood.

"Arghhhhh!!!" Marc screamed much loudly as the smell of blood was making him to loose control. "She is bleeding!"

He took a few steps back and covered his nose with his hands. "I can do this. Think about her Marc. Think about her."

With the speed of lightening, Marc went inside the tunnel, trying not to inhale the delicious aroma of blood all around.