Kill the angel in you
And make the devil inside you Alive.
The demon privileged on you can take up that vengeance,
which the angel is denying to take!
Be a vampire and suck up the blood of your
While watching this dream, Marc's body started to shiver terribly and with one jolt he fell down from the bed.
His back hit the hard wooden floor and he opened his eyes in much shock. Yet again panting heavily, he was staring at the ceiling thinking about his dream. "What is all that about? It... Why do I suddenly feel that mom dad are waiting for me to set them free?" Marc straightened his back, thinking carefully. "But who can tell me about it? Lisa?" He frowned a bit thinking of how scary the girl looked drinking the blood from that bowl.
He sat for a very long time, thinking of what to do next. "Surely something fishy is going on. Otherwise, why would that beast attack me? And why would Lisa act like that... and that old lady....."
Marc stood up instantly, stretching his back. "I have to do this. I have to meet Lisa and ask her everything. Besides, I need to know about the lady in pictures too. Why does she resemble Lisa so much!?" He quickly rushed to the bathroom and splashed some cold water on his face, looking at his reflection on the bathroom mirror.
He still had Lisa's given cloth tied around his forehead, but the earlier blood stains on his face had been cleaned by her. He swiped his hair backwards a bit with his wet hair and walked out of the bathroom, straight out of the room, towards the main door. "Don't be scared Marc." The boy took deep breaths as he stepped out of the main door, walking on the straight lonely road, crossing his other house.
"Anyways, my life cannot be any more spooky and confusion. So, no need to be scared of her. She is just a girl." The muttered again and again, trying to calm himself down. "Don't forget she was the one who saved you twice from that beast. So, she for sure means no harm."
The boy nodded his head as he crossed the now deserted market road. There were empty carts and tables places on each side, while not a single person was present. Marc's heart raced in much fear, as he carefully looked in all directions apprehending to encounter the beast again.
He increased his pace towards the barren land and was now almost running towards the woods. "Even if I see the creature, atleast Lisa should be there to save me. I need to hurry up and reach."
This time he took the trail of the first from where he had returned, and sprinted quickly on the slanting trail, heading towards Lisa's tiny house. "I hope she is still there."
After another fifteen minutes did Marc reach the spot, and was a little taken aback. A few hours ago, the house was well lit with several candles, lanterns and fireplace, but now it looked extremely dark and creepy.
Except for the moonlight, Marc could only see a tiny bit of golden light energing from a window. "Why did she turn off all the lights? Is... she trying to scare me again." Marc gulped as he halted at the edge of the trail, looking at the spooky little house.
Suddenly a gush of strong wind emerged from one corner and once a beautifully lit swing hanging from a branch, started swinging by itself as if somebody was sitting on it.
Marc gulped in fear as the metallic chains of the swing produced the screeching sound, while moving in full speed.