The poor girlbajjahhabqh

She opened the first cupboard and rummagef through several gowns and sighed. "Why do I keep collecting black gowns?" She rolled her eyes and pulled out a white colored long dress, elegantly decorated with laces and pearls. "Hmm... This looks perfect."

She nodded her head and started getting dressed for the charity event. With the speed of lightening her hands and body moved

"Arghhhhh! Dadda!!" Marc got up from his sleep yet again panting heavily, in much distress. This time he was way more filled with sweat and his body had gone extremely cold. "W.... why am I feeling cold?" He pressed his palms together, trying to warm them and looked at a wall clock hung on the side wall.

"Damn! I just slept for 20 minutes. What is happening today? Maybe opening mom and dad's closet was really a bad idea. It is really.. really effecting my mind." Marc straightened his back and looked outside the gigantic glass window.