
Amora exited the kitchen and felt sorry for Reyon. She appeared to be still suffering from her loss. "Who wouldn't be I suppose." She thought, still wondering about their child.

She felt sorry for Leon as well, but she felt like he may have somewhat accepted the horrendous truth.

"Oh, I forgot... Amora, we also plan to go to the police station and let them search with your last name, perhaps we can find your parents with that. Kuroki? Was it?"

Amora turned and smiled saying, "Yep! I'm glad you remembered."

Amora walked away once again, acting happy to find her real parents, but not wanting to leave Leon and Reyon behind.

Andrew appeared, stepping out of the bathroom, he swiftly puts something into his pocket and begins walking in Amora's direction. Once he approaches her, he puts his hands around her and embraces her.

"Why were you angry earlier?" Amora worried, genuinely afraid for Andrew, but he didn't respond until Amora squeezed tighter, which seemed to bring him back to his senses.

"I remembered him, I was enraged because they still haven't located him. We were great friends." He said with great remorse in his voice.

Amora felt bad for Andrew and when they finished hugging she asked him a quick question: "They plan on taking you home. Are you okay with that? You'll see your parents again... is that really okay with you?"

Andrew smiled weakly and looked and noticed that Tavan had already left, "My parents aren't alive. I live alone."

Amora gasped and apologized, which prompted Andrew to promise it was okay.

"It was a car crash. Not too long ago either. I was sad, and I still am, but they wanted me to just be happy. Even now."

Amora held onto him for a bit longer, really believing that letting go of him would be like letting him die inside.

She soon left as Andrew sat down, and told Reyon about what he'd said to her. She found it a bit strange, and eventually replied with: "Well... I suppose we could take him in for a bit then, unless his current guardians contact the police."

This little statement filled Amora with hope.


After a while of relaxing and doing nothing, Andrew suggested exploring around outside, Amora liked the idea, and they traveled outside.

They noticed it was still dark, but as soon as they stepped outside, auto-lights turned on and went around the house. After following the lights Andrew pointed out a little cabin not very far from the house in the woods.

Subsequently, Amora started running towards it, Andrew panic-stricken, chased after her.

Once she reached the cabin, she flung open the door speedily and could hear someone performing a nocturne.

Amora immediately felt sad, and she stalked up the staircase, glimpsing into the room where the sound was originating, and soon noticed that the entire cabin was gloomy and dark.

Amora stepped inside the room and Andrew came running in after.

A man was seated at the piano. Playing cautiously.

He stood up and looked at them, he then lifted his hand, a knife becoming visible.

"Finally got people to come here." He began laughing and states, "My element is boring, so let me just slice you up. Okay?"

He rushes at Amora, who screeches, "It's an enemy stand user! I mean Elemental!"

The man tried snatching up Amora but Andrew flung a kick at the man, sweeping his foot against the man's knee, causing the knife to fly into the air.

The man stumbles back, the knife just barely missing his face.

He shrieked in terror, and Amora kicked him in the head, rendering him unconscious.


Andrew runs outside yelling, "Stay here, I'll go get Reyon!"

Amora sighs and sarcastically mumbles, "Wow, so manly."

She waits with the man, wrapping a rope around his hands and legs.

After thinking she did it well enough, she sat down.

The man abruptly woke up and began to squirm.

He began screeching and Amora began asking questions, "Why did you attack us?"

He smiles and responds, "because I was told to kill off Leon."

Amora gasped and turned toward the door. Suddenly she could hear footsteps behind her, and she turned only to get pushed to the floor.

The man fell on top of her and held his knife pointing into her throat, she resisted and pushed the knife back, the man begins overpowering her, and she could feel her hands heat up and his arms begin to burn and smoke.

He screams and the knife flies past her neck and into the ground next to her, he pulls it up out of the ground. He drives the knife at her neck, and she screamed as it got closer.

Suddenly there is a loud sound and the guy is lifted from her. Amora saw Reyon and sighed a sigh of relief as Reyon threw the man to the floor.

The man fell through the floor and Reyon pulled out a phone.

"I'm going to call the police, don't go near him." Reyon began speaking on the phone for a while and Amora wandered downstairs and outside, once leaving she noticed that the cabin went from looking new to being a smaller, and more broken down one.

"What?" Amora sat outside wondering what could have happened with the cabin when it all of a sudden hit her like a sack of rocks.

"His element was seriously to make things looked changed or new?" Amora thought of it as lame and planned to forget it right away.

She walked back inside as Reyon was walking out, police sirens grew closer, Reyon brought Amora and Andrew to the house and spoke to them calmly.

"I'll tell them where he is. Just stay inside. I made hot chocolate if you want some, also dinner is ready, go ahead and take a plate." Reyon then abruptly sped out of the house.


After eating with Andrew, Amora used the bathroom.

She then proceeded to a spare room, she looked on the shelves and found a dad joke book. Amora sighed and felt blameworthy.

"They were going all out for the parent thing... It makes me feel so bad."

She put the book down and exited the room. Amora felt a bit better after seeing Andrew taking his time eating.

"I'm not a slowpoke, I just actually taste my food." He had said when she commented on it. They shared a quick laugh.

Amora went into the guest bedroom and saw the missing poster was moved to there. Amora picked it up and looked it over, trying her best to memorize the boy's face, just in case she met him. She finally put it down and flopped onto the bed, and unexpectedly fell asleep.














Amora's eyes shot open as the tapping on the window got louder, she realized there was a plate on the nightstand and it had a little piece of cake on it.

She moved her attention to the window, only to see someone standing outside, only bringing fear to her heart.

She slowly crept to the window and gazed at the man, he looked familiar somehow, yet not at the same time.

Amora, without thinking, opened the window, he pulled the window open all the way and looked at her.

He apologized for scaring her and asked if there was something he could eat.

She grabbed the cake and nervously handed it to the man. He quickly ate it, mentioning something about being kidnapped as he ate.

He said he couldn't remember much about his past anymore.

After eating, he thanked Amora and left.

She sat down on the bed and started second-guessing her sanity when she saw the missing poster again. She picked it up and looked at the name first. "Cole Jameson, 18-years-old" along with some other details about height and weight. Amora looked at the photo and gasped. It looked like the man who had entered through the window, the only difference was that the man who was outside was dirty and extremely skinny.

"Cole... Jameson? Did I truly see him?! Where did he go?!" She opened the window once again and hopped outside, she looked around only to give up, believing he was gone. She crept back inside and laid down, after a while of thinking, she fell asleep once more.