The Kuroki's Daughter

Reyon woke Amora up early and brought her to her car.

Amora felt tired but could only think of what happened yesterday. The way she screamed at Andrew was new, she'd never yelled at anyone except for Darkness, however that was still quite rare in itself.

Reyon mentioned being there, the trip was supposed to be about 20 minutes to get there, and yet it seemed like just 3.

Amora got out before Reyon, waiting by the door until Reyon entered.

Reyon was talking to the person at the counter, and Amora felt her stomach ache badly. She knew it was because she had been thinking of meeting her parents.

"Kuroki, that's her last name." Reyon mentioned to the officer, the officer began typing on a computer, turning the computer to show Reyon the results.

"Do any of these people look familiar?" He asked, being quite kind to Amora.

Amora looked at the officer's name tag read: "Officer Jaxson Byodo" Amora smiled at the man, and answered his question.

"I've never met them, so I wouldn't exactly know."

The officer reassured her that it was okay.

He turned the computer back around to begin typing and seeming searching.

He finally turned the screen again saying, "This is the only Kuroki family who has reported a missing daughter."

Amora felt her heart sink, feeling slight sadness and slight hope.

"Where do they live? I would like to go talk with them." She said, feeling her emotions flurry like the upcoming snow.

The officer explained where they were living and Reyon started towards the car once again, Amora sighed and followed, she felt sick to her stomach, she knew that meeting her "parents" would be scary, but it'd be perfectly fine... right?


Reyon pulled up to a horrible looking house far into the countryside.

Reyon, trying to stay positive for Amora, smiled and proceeded to get out.

She lightly pulled Amora toward the front door and waited for Amora to knock. Nothing happened and Reyon knocked a little harder, the door seemingly unlatched and opened slowly.

There was a sudden stench. A smell so bad, Amora held her nose, beginning to gag.

Reyon held Amora back, her expression had changed, she now looked ready to fight.

Reyon slowly walked in and Amora peeked past Reyon's shoulder.

She let her hand fall, hitting her side gently as the horrendous sight before her became visible.

Amora's eyes darted around the main room, being able to find blood splatter against the walls.

Amora's eyes kept darting around until her eyes locked onto two dead people. A man and a woman, both pale and covered in their own blood.

Their eyes were gouged out and their bodies were hung upon the walls with sharp objects.

Amora couldn't move her eyes or body. She was frozen, fear started embedding its way into her soul.

She had never seen a dead body before, not even like this.

Her eyes started moving on their own, bringing their lower bodies into view. The bodies were cut open, organs finding their way out.

Amora's vision became blurry, her eyes rolling back, losing her balance.

Falling is all she can remember before everything became dark.


Amora opened her eyes and could see the roof of a car. Reyon was talking to Leon on the phone. Amora sat up, holding her throbbing head. Her heart was running faster than ever. Reyon hung up and spoke without taking her eyes off of the road.

"It was a drainer. I'm sorry for what you had to see. The cops are currently there investigating. On a happier note, they weren't your parents. Photos inside proved that, and their missing daughter was taken recently."

Amora turned and stared at Reyon, trying her hardest to forget the traumatizing event.

"W-what's a... drainer?"

Reyon sighed and began speaking, "An Elemental who kills people in order to get more energy, also known as Chikia. (Chee-kai-a) People get energy or Chikia from drinking the blood of humans or Elementals. Drinking from an Elemental gives more Chikia. Drinkers are like Drainers, but Drinkers keep their victims alive. Also, more Chikia or Energy, will result in longer use of your element, practice will also allow longer use, but not as much. With more energy, you get more powerful, your element will transform and become stronger, more powerful, even giving you awakening forms. Awakening forms will not matter to you right now, so let's avoid that discussion."

Amora tightens her seatbelt and stares outside. Thinking of how Elementals who seek power, seemingly become vampires, seeking their next victim.

Amora shook her head and shivered. The thought of some vampires running around was quite scary.

Reyon switched the radio to another station, in which someone was speaking German, began, talking about something Amora couldn't understand.

"Ja, er ist lustig! Sehr lustig!" A man says, to which Reyon smiles, seemingly understanding it. She changes to another station and an old song came on, seemingly just starting, Amora smiled, finally being able to forget the traumatic event for a small bit. She easily identified the song as "Don't Dream It's Over" by Crowded House.

"Darkness played this a lot. Strange to think a creature who isn't even human would like such old songs." Amora thought to herself.


Amora, once home, crept into the guest room which now served as her bedroom. Crying a small bit, her eyes becoming a bit heavy. She lets her eyes close and she falls asleep peacefully.


"I said stop!" The girl screamed, "I want to go home you prick!"

She continued her rage-filled screams.

A man slowly walked up, laughing, stopping only to think of ways to torment her.

"They're dead! Don't you get that? I brought you a souvenir from them!" He opened his closed fingers to reveal two pairs of eyes.

Seeing them froze her in place, realizing her parents were dead. She began screaming and attempting to pull on her chains, thinking of any way to break them off.

"In their last moments, they begged me to just kill you and to let them live." He says, smirking.

"You're a fucking liar! You lie!" She screamed, trying to restrain her tears and any fear to show.

"I haven't lied to you. I have an audio recording if that serves much purpose?" He says intimidatingly.

Not wanting to hear the tape, she began begging him to stop. He began to press play anyway. Her ears were being covered by small creatures, creatures she had summoned.