No More (Prologue)

"I'll never get over it." Someone says as another figure emerges from the darkness. The sky is clouded thus the sun has not shown for months. A red and black fog flows through the air, and the smell of smoke is ever prevalent.

"You'll need to. We don't have much time to fight." The person said, then continued with: "Amora. I tried to help you to the best of my ability."

Amora, her voice raspy, begins laughing wickedly.

"As if." She turned to face the man, getting ready for combat. "Hell, I think you didn't do shit to help me. Your father killed me--strangled me--ruined my neck and voice--and you revive me and try to calm me down?"

The figure backs up, all while Amora unsheaths her blade, light bouncing off its silver surface, hitting the man in the eye.

"You really expect me to overlook your failure so easily--Shogeki."

The male figure jumps back and over the railing, falling quite a distance before landing and sliding backward, right out of the way as Amora lands where he was, her blade stabbing into the ground, sending a blast of fire through the ground, a spurt of fire burst through the cracked and dry earth and right under Shogeki, he quickly jumped backward, quickly saving his own life by a few inches.

"Amora! We don't have time! We need to find a way to--" Amora appeared behind him at an insane speed, barely leaving Shogeki any time to turn and repel her attack with his own blade.

"We have quite enough time. So--just let me slice you into small bits and show you what it's like!" Amora says as she evades a slice from his blade, and sends air into Shogeki's chest, sending him back quite a length before rushing at him and clashing blades with him a couple of times, kicking his blade out of his hands and then kneeing him in the stomach, causing blood to drip from his mouth. Amora speeds up, slicing into Shogeki's stomach.

Shogeki stands there, holding his new wound, blood dripping and spurting from between his fingers. Some splatters on Amora's face and she grins.

"That won't kill you, unfortunately." She sighs and wipes off her blade with a spin and swipe.

"I'll decide what to do with you next."

Shogeki loses consciousness after she sheathes her blade, he falls to the ground, face-planting into the dry cracked dirt. Amora leaned over, picked him up by the collar, and began carrying him away.

"This wasn't that hard." She says smiling once more, tears clouding her vision for some reason.

"No time to be weak now." She mumbles as she wipes the tears away and continues onward to her destination, a burning city in the distance.