Halloween Special

This chapter is not canon (not a real part of the story) and is just a special for Halloween, including characters dead or alive.

"Hey! Amora look!" Andrew said, quickly waking Amora up. He pointed outside and Amora could see it was dark.

"Wanna go walk around the city?! It's Halloween! It'll be fun!" Andrew suggested, to which Amora quickly agreed, rubbing her eyes as she nodded her head.


Leon drove them to the city and told them where to be when they want to be picked up. Andrew and Amora went with Shirley, Aya, and Jackson.

Aya stayed with Amora while Andrew went with Shirley and Jackson. Amora was excited to walk through the city at night. Aya soon left to go prank a store by popping inside and running around, a dumb prank, but it would be quite annoying.

Amora soon bumped into someone, and they turned to look at her. They were wearing a black cloak and had a pale skin tone.

"Oh, sorry." Amora said, smiling awkwardly. The person came closer and put their finger on Amora's throat, their finger sinking into her skin, and she could feel her blood being moved around.

"I-" Amora couldn't get a single word out as she fell to the ground, she had seemingly been attacked by some kind of vampire. Aya soon came over and woke Amora up, to which she told Aya the full story.

"A vampire?! We have to find where he went!" Aya said, looking around. "I'm sure he's gone at this point... it's fine. We just have to be... careful." Amora said, making sure the man wasn't nearby.


Andrew felt like he was being followed, so he told Shirley and Jackson to wait up. He looked around and a person had been standing in the opening of the alleyway.

"Oh... hey?" Shirley said, seemingly nervous.

The person suddenly flung themselves at the three and Andrew used paper to create a small wall, covering the person. Jackson and Andrew both began kicking the person while they were down.

"Okay... guys let's look at them quickly." Shirley recommended, peeling the paper off of their face. She then described what she could see from her view, which wasn't much because of the weak light pole nearby.

"Looks like someone dressed up as a vampire." She said, sighing. She opened their mouth and tried to rip out the "fake" fangs, but it wasn't coming off.

"Huh? What's wrong with it? Is it glued on?" Andrew asked, as he had been watching.

"No... these are real. This is a real vampire. We have caught one. They aren't supposed to be real... unless that's his element?" She continued speaking, messing with the guy's face to see if his skin tone was just makeup. "I get the feeling something bad is going on."

They left the vampire there, with no clue as to what to do with him. They entered the graveyard.


"I think we should go around knocking on doors, maybe we can get candy?" Aya said, seemingly excited from her plan, yet to be executed.

"I guess we could, but we have no costumes?" Amora said, trying to stay positive and support Aya's ideas.

"Well, it just so happens that I found some in a dumpster." Aya said, brandishing two costumes, one was the Grim Reaper, with a plastic scythe, and a cat costume, with corresponding cat ears. "I call the Grim Reaper." Amora said, to which Aya agreed saying, "I love cats more than anyone! This is so lucky!"

Aya had her costume over her clothes in mere seconds, while Amora took her time as to not rip the dirty costume. She held the scythe up to Aya's neck, and they both began laughing. Now walking to find some sweet, sweet candy.


Andrew, Shirley, and Jackson were wandering the graveyard, looking at the names of the people and chilling out. There was a groaning sound and when they turned, there seemed to be someone in a tree, smiling creepily at them. They all screamed and began to run, but stopped as the person stopped smiling and laughed.

"Hey, it's fine, I'm just playin' around." The girl said, jumping from the tree in her zombie costume. "The name's Mia. How are you three?" Mia asked kindly.

"We were fine a second ago..." Andrew said, holding his head and sighing.

"Oh. Hello, I am Shirley, this one is Andrew, and this one is Jackson." Shirley told Mia their names, pointing at them as she said their names.

"Well, you guys want some candy?" Mia asked, smiling brightly.

"Wait really?!" Andrew asked, practically drooling.

"Yep! I got so much it'd last me a year, so dig in!" She announced, throwing the bags of candy on the ground. "My full name is Mia Smith. It's nice to finally meet you."

The way the girl spoke was strange, but she was way too kind. The three could have harmed her, and she would probably still smile. They all ate candy and talked, eventually Shirley looked back and saw that Mia was gone.

"Mia?" She asked aloud, looking around.

"Where'd she go?!" Jackson and Andrew asked, freaking out over the missing girl. They searched the tree and surrounding area, until Shirley tripped over a headstone and fell on top of it. She fell down and began coughing. She looked at the name to apologize to them for tripping on their grave.

Jackson and Andrew heard screams in the distance, it seemed to be Shirley, and so they ran over to the source and could see her pointing to a gravestone, her back against another gravestone.


Amora and Aya were able to get candy from some apartment places and stores who declared they were giving out candy. Amora and Aya sat happily on a bench, stuffing their face with chocolates and sweets.

Eventually they became full and just carried their bags of candy with them as they explored the alleyways and streets, complimenting other people's costumes and makeup.

"Damn, this sure is tiring." Aya said, yawning.

"Hey. You." A voice said from the corner, with a slight hissing noise.

Amora turned and could see the vampire from earlier. Amora backed up and pointed, Aya also looked and got ready to fight the vampire.

"Hey, please wait... I need help." The vampire said, to which Amora replied, "You drank my blood? What else do you need?!"

The vampire sighed and walked up to them, they stood their ground, and he showed them a small necklace, it was broken and was leaking a dark smoke.

"What is that?" Amora asked, staring at it deeply as if it were hypnotizing her.

"It stops my need for blood... recently it was broken, and I knew that Halloween would be the day when I would transform... nobody would fix it. I need your help before I lose control once again." The vampire said sincerely. "My name is Klarx, and I've been living for many years now, this crystal had protected me from turning into my true form and needed blood, but recently had been broken... nobody-"

Aya stopped him at the second part. "You've already said that." to which the vampire apologized.

"How do we fix it?" Amora asked, holding the broken necklace in her hand. The vampire had been right, the crystal inside was broken.

"I need you to put it on when you are alone, it will be fixed and return to me... thank you." The vampire said, running away quickly.


Andrew and Jackson looked at the gravestone that had terrified Shirley. The gravestone had a picture and a name.

"Mia Smith" was on the gravestone, and the image was of the girl that they had just met not too long ago.

Andrew and Jackson both began screaming, and they both began to carry Shirley as they ran out of the graveyard, heading to where Amora and Aya were.

"They- aren't- here-" Andrew said, panting heavily.

"They wouldn't- just wait- here y'know." Jackson said, putting Shirley down after signaling for Andrew too as well.

"Are we not going to talk about the ghost we saw?!" Shirley announced, looking around.

"We don't need to- it was- a ghost. We need to- stay away from the graveyard." Andrew managed to get out over his panting and sweat dripping.

They all three walked slowly away, going to find Amora and Aya.


"Well... he kinda ran away." Aya said, to which Amora replied with "Yeah, now what? I guess I'll put it on when I get home." Amora said, heading back out of the alleyway, to which she bumped into the other three. They all began to speak of their experiences with a vampire, but when Shirley, Andrew, and Jackson mentioned a ghost, Aya was skeptical, but Amora believed it and was scared as well.


They rode home with Reyon and Leon, and despite telling them everything, they too were skeptical and laughed it off.

Around midnight was when they arrived home. Amora headed into her room, where Aya wasn't, and put on the necklace. It tightened and began choking her. Her eyes widening as the necklace fixed itself and returned to its normal shape. Her eyes began to glow dark red, a smile formed on her face.

"A new body... occupied by me. Foolish humans." It had seemed the vampire had occupied Amora's body using the necklace, now controlling her.

The door opened and Aya walked in, she would be the first victim.