Xol's Attack

Amora spent time by herself at home while Cole went off to get some food. Amora had started craving things, and Cole hadn't caught on to the fact that she was pregnant, despite her constant hints toward it.

Amora was constantly checking her phone, the time, her messages, her notifications for apps.

There was a new notification, it was from the home app, which displayed that the front door had been unlocked. Amora stood up and called out Cole's name. She didn't worry too much since there was no way that someone got inside without the keys to the locks.

Amora crept out of her room and looked around, nobody was in the house, but the door was locked, and the windows were closed and locked as well. Amora crept to the front door and opened it, quickly reaching out and attempting to grab whoever might be there.

Amora's hand gripped nothing, and she took a step outside, looking around and closing the door behind her. She walked down the stairs toward the driveway and made her way toward the forest. She found herself wanting to see the building Andrew died at once more. As sort of some kind of... goodbye?

She entered and looked around, making sure she wasn't being watched. She crept down the basement stairs and toward the broken open tubes. Especially the one Cole was held in.

There was a quick slicing noise and Amora was now turned around, her blade locked with a man she had never seen before. He smiled and jumped back.

"You're fast... Master was right!" He said, stepping back and kicking dust up into the air, wildly slicing toward Amora's face. Amora, with a serious expression kept blocking and countering the attacks.

"Huh?" The man stopped looking at Amora's stomach, now stopping his movements. "You must be... pregnant." He says, putting his blade away. "How unfortunate." He said, turning around. "I wouldn't care to kill a pregnant lady... but Master would... certainly kill me if I did." He runs up the stairs and vanishes out of sight. Amora chases after him, but she cannot find any sign of him being there, and so she rushes home, locking the door and explaining the situation to her parents, who began a long and horrid search around the property and church building, only to find nothing. Amora knew what she saw, but began second-guessing her own sanity.

The pills lay in their container on her nightstand, only adding to her doubt that it was even real, since she had no injuries and her blade seemed fine, she assumed it was her lack of pills, since she'd been neglecting taking them recently.

Days would pass without incident, only adding to Amora's doubt. Cole would try his hardest to keep her aware and calm. He reminded her to take her medication every morning, and so forgetting was now really difficult. The two had become a power team. Their actions almost always in sync, and their fighting styles seeming to fit just right together.

Cole approached Amora and dropped something onto her open hands.

"What is it?" she asked, rotating the paper, not quite understanding it's shape.

"A crane." Cole smiled. "An Origami Crane."

Amora looked at it from another angle, this time upside down, and could see it.

"Ah! It's... cute." She said, uncertain of what she should really say.


Months passed by, no fights, no Shogeki. Everything was calm, and Amora expressed her happiness once again, overcoming the deaths that happened and hoping for a better future. Her relationship with her parents grew as well. She spent all of her time with them, and Cole, who even started a job at the nearby grocery store just down the hill.

Amora's pregnancy was becoming more and more obvious. Her stomach grew and she had no choice but to wear baggier clothing as well as eat more to make it seem like she simply gained weight. This tactic seemed to fool her parents, although she had a feeling that they knew.

Amora counted down the days until it would have been 9 months. She was excited to see her child, and had no plans on getting rid of it in any way. This would be her child. One she could give the life she never had. She could keep them with her, and not lose them for many years like she had lost her parents for many years. The cycle would not continue.

Once again she cooked dinner, something she was getting good at. She knew she had to learn eventually if she were ever to move out, since she couldn't just make Cole cook all the time, especially since he wouldn't be home some nights now.

"It smells good sweetie." Reyon said, leaning in for a whiff of the stuff. Amora simply smiled and continued cooking, only turning around to as a question she kept forgetting to ask her mother.

"Reyon... isn't your real name... is it?" She asked, looking her mother in her eyes. She felt a slight tinge of guilt for asking, but felt she should know.

"No. No it is not." Reyon said, sighing. "I chose this name because what happened when I was younger... it comes back to me. My real name..." She looked away, remembering a painful memory. "My real name is Alexia. Which is why I suppose that Darkness ended up naming you Amora. Since both names start and end with A." She said, holding Amora's hand tightly now.

"I'm really sorry mom... I didn't mean for you to-" She began, only to be stopped by her mother, who had a really kind expression on her face.

"You're my daughter. You deserved to know my true name. Just don't go telling Cole now... alright?" She said, smiling and leaving the kitchen. Amora sat in silence as she continued cooking. She finally knew her mother's name. Her own mother.

"What... a pretty name."