

"EB, EB! EB, where are you...?" A woman's voice searching for someone,

"I'm here, Isa. Where did you disappear just now?" EB answer.

"EB, I found this wonderful blue color flower and this lilac color flower. Do you know the name of this flower? They're beautiful," Isa asks,

Admiring the flower. Isa has been holding in her both hands,

"Are they your liking?" EB asks,

"Liking? No, I love them. They're my favorite," Isa admitted, happy. EB smile upon hearing it.

"The flower is called Salvia," EB answer,

"Salvia?" Isa asked,

"Yes, these two beautiful flowers are Salvia." EB mention and Isa look at them in amused.

"Do you want to know what meaning behind the color you pick?" EB asks, and Isa nods.

"Okay, this one is a Blue Salvia," EB mention, and Isa nod listening to EB explanation,

"This flower specie represents wisdom, long life, and good health, while the lilac's color represents purity and youthful innocence," EB explained, and Isa got amazed,

"Whoa... that's so cool," She smiled and giggled, hugging the flower she picked.

"They represent my personality and my appearance. Just like me, right, EB?" She stated, and EB nods, smiling at her.

"Your right. This flower represents who you are," EB agrees, and Isa smiles.

"I'm so glad seeing you, happy now," EB utter out of the blue, and Isa looked straight at her smiling,

"Yeah, me too," Isa replied, and EB felt happy upon hearing her reply.

"Where do you want to go next?" EB asks,

"Well... how about we go to where the fireflies live? I always want to play with them. Can we go?" Isa proposes, asking EB's permission, excited, and EB nods then smiles at her.

"YES! Come on, let's go. I can't wait to play with them," Isa jumps up and down to the ground because of the happiness. As they then stride to go where the fireflies live. When they arrived, Isa runs through where the fireflies are, and played with them, while EB sits on the green grass, looking at Isa playing to the fireflies.

"EB, can I follow them. I promise I'd be back safe," Isa called EB for permission to follow the fireflies.

"Okay, but don't go far, okay?" EB accepts.

"Yay! I won't. I promise, thank you, EB," Isa smiled and ran after the fireflies.

"Enjoy it, Isa. No one will stop you from getting your happiness from now on," EB mention, looking up to the starry night sky.

After a while, Isa came back holding something familiar.

"EB, I found this paintbrush," Isa reply, showing the bottle she found to EB.

"Oh, they look expensive. Where did you get it?" EB asks,

"I saw someone throw this away, so I get it," Isa answer, then the bush sounds harsh. EB got on guard then went close to where Isa, standing.

"Stay close to me," EB respond. Isa wonders why EB turned protective when a young girl came out to the bushes,

"Hello?" A girl called, wearing a surprised expression.

"Hello!" Isa replied, so happy to see a young girl just like her inside the forest.

"I'm sorry, I got lost. Can you help me?" The girl asks in worry.

"Oh, yes. We can, right, EB? Huh? Where did EB go? EB?" Isa calls upon EB, who just disappeared out of nowhere.

"Excuse me, may I ask whom you are looking for?" A young girl asks,

"Ah, oh right, you. Don't worry about it is just my friend JE JE," Isa answer,

"Okay, if you say so, what is your name?" A young girl asks,

"Oh! I'm Isa, how about you?" Isa reply,

"I'm Evelyn is nice meeting you, Isa," Evelyn respond, and Isa smiled at her.

"Yeah! Me too," Isa reply,

To be continued...