Logging In

"Welcome to Horizon Wars where your every dream can come true and with your new power you can rule this world"

It was the intro everyone got when they logged into the game and was nothing new to veteran gamers.

Opening his eyes Jake saw a large emerald green field with luscious vegetation, the green trees swayed slightly in the breeze. He could feel the breeze against his skin and could smell the dew on the grass.

"Wow, this is soo realistic" Jake said to himself.

In the bottom right hand corner of his vision he saw a little blue icon, he mentally pressed on it and his status appeared.

Jake: Lv 1 Race: N/A

Class: N/A

Strength: 10. Intelligence: 10

Wisdom: 10. Dexterity: 10

Vitality: 10. Charisma: 10

A female voice in his head said

"Please choose your Race"

Suddenly a prompt appeared in front of his face.

[system error: Race predetermined- not changeable]

Suddenly he cried out in pain as his bones were morphed and changed, the pain that he was in was unimaginable and he almost fainted.

After the pain stopped a prompt filled his vision.

Congratulations! You have gained the species of Dark Grey Dog!

You have lost access to the form Human.

You have gained the stat: Luck

As a result of your species you have gained the skills (Fuse) and (Bite).


Allows the user to fuse their body with another creature and increase their bloodline or to evolve.


An attack where the user deals 150% of their strength stat to an opponent.

"Holy shit" Jake thought to himself as he read his prompts. He wasn't human but instead was a mob, albeit more powerful.

Once again a female voice said

"Please choose your class"

A ton of classes then appeared in his vision, this was another reason the game was so popular it gave the user access to myriads of classes meaning no one player could ever be the same.

After scrolling through the list of classes he decided to be an assassin, so he mentally clicked on that option.

[Request failed- Class Assigned- Necromancer]

Jake began to inwardly scream, not only was he not a human but he couldn't even choose a class he wanted. He decided to that he would just restart his character.

[Warning- if you logout or delete you character you will be unable to play again]

"Why would anyone make a game you can't restart?!" Once again Jake raged, he finally decided that he would just play the game as this character.

After calming down Jake looked at his status again.

Name: Jake Lv1. Race: Evolver

Class: Necromancer

Strength: 20 Intelligence: 5

Wisdom: 15 Dexterity: 15

Vitality: 20. Charisma: 2

Skills: 4

Jake's mood got better as the system seemed to compensate for his lack of choice.

Seeing that he had gained 2 new skills he decided to check what they were.


Allows the user to summon those that they have killed as undead and control them

(Death Dimension)

Allows the user to store their undead creatures within it.

"The death dimension skill is over powered" Jake said out loud, previously when he thought the necromancer class was extremely weak but now he saw that it was very powerful. He wasn't sure if others would pick the class because of the bad reputation death has but he knew that he would rise to the top and become the most powerful existence in all of Horizon.

He could picture himself summoning tons of undead creatures to his side in the middle of a battle instantly overwhelming his opponents.

Congratulations! You have completed the tutorial, you will now be teleported to a starter village.