First Time Rescue

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Ned started to get nervous about this since Peter hadn't come back to their room, wondering where he was before he went to sleep. The next morning, Ned still didn't see any signs of Peter getting ready for the decathlon, waiting for him to come back. Jess had gotten ready for today's events, sighing lightly, ready for this, knowing everything she wrote about this would help. Pulling her hair into a messy bun with her Gryffindor bow hair clip on the right side. Wearing her Hogwarts necklace, Gryffindor zip-up hoodie, gray Gryffindor t-shirt, red and yellow beaded bracelet, black skinny jeans, red sneakers with yellow lace All-Stars.

Walking over towards Ned's and Peter's room, knocking on the door, smiling, "Ned, Peter, we're leaving now come on, let's go."

Ned looked out the window to see Michelle reading something while Jess was waiting for them. Looking around the room, he grabbed his backpack and the glowy thing. Heading out of the room, walking with them to the bus, wondering where Peter was thinking it was going to bad if something really did happen to him. Jess and Michelle wondered where Peter was at since he's not one to just up and leave like this since she was worried about her friend. Filing into the bus with the teacher, hoping to see Peter at the decathlon location, it would be a hope.

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Peter ended up waking up, noticing he was in the bunker of the Damage Control storage facility with doors not opening. Sighing, lightly passing the time going over his suit web options before telling the suit lady he would like to give her a name. He went from calling her Liz to Jess then settled on Karen for the voice, thinking it wouldn't be so weird. He started talking with her about wondering if he should ask either Jess or Liz to the dance, thinking either one wouldn't like him. Karen told him if she were one of them, she wouldn't be disappointed with finding this information out with knowing he was Spider-Man. Peter thanked her for what she said to him before starting to work on every sequence possible to open the doors. After 200 sequences tried out, he finally got the doors open, thinking about calling Ned to get him to keep the glowy thing away. Karen had explained that it was a bomb of alien tech inside the weapons thing; it would be a good idea to keep the core away from people.

Swinging for a while until he started traveling by sitting on the roofs of vehicles on the expressway towards DC, where the decathlon was being held. Ned and others worked on them, thinking about the answers to the questions while Jess had her reading glasses on typing out her work. Knowing things were going to be alright once she knew Peter was alright, hoping he wouldn't be in trouble or something. Midtown Tech High School ended up winning thanks to Michelle, thinking it was awesome seeing Ned hugging her smiling at this. Saving her work while they were going to the Washington Monument having her laptop bag with Michelle to keep it safe while she went the others. Since she could cross this off her list of wonders she has always wanted to see with her, this was going to be cool. Ned was able to get phone calls now answering his phone to see it happened to be Peter telling him about them winning.

Growing frustrated with him, Peter wanted him to listen to him about the glowy thing being a bomb though Ned kept talking over him. Ned kept talking to Peter until Jess took the phone, asking Peter where he was since she was worried about him. Peter kept telling Jess to give the phone back to Ned because it was important for him to know something while Karen started to tell Peter to tell her how he felt. The call got disconnected when she had the phone go through the security system while Peter continued to head towards the Washington Monument. Jess and Ned were standing next to each other, and the others thinking it was going to be really cool to see what it looks like at the top. Peter stopped once he got to the location only to see a purple blast making a 360 around the top. The elevator started to make a groaning sound from the weight and the blast, causing the systems to fail.

Michelle grew concerned for her friends were up there. Peter noticed her before taking off to help them though he was going as fast as they can. Karen told Peter he needed to get there faster since the systems were starting to degrade quicker because of the elevator's movement. Flash started to make things worse by moving around too much and worrying about the trophy. Peter tried to break the glass though it would take more than just stomping on it. He noticed the chopper with the police inside it. Jumping from the top of the tower over the chopper while webbing it, giving him more speed to go through the glass. The elevator started to go down Peter's web it though it didn't last long until the doors gave, causing it to go down again. He managed to get the webbing on the part of the ceiling from the elevator, pulling them back up while telling Ned to stop moving. The teacher and Ned got out though Jess and Liz were still inside the elevator before anyone moved.

Jess pushed Liz out of the elevator just as it the ceiling gave way underneath Peter's feet, hearing Jess screaming. Webbing her wrist, pulling her up and helping her back where it was safe with Jess still scared but glad to know he was around. Spider-Man helping out the little people knowing he would be helping everyone he could, and she would have thanked him. The webbing broke before she had the chance of knowing next time if there was, she would thank him. Jess thought about writing her own story for the Spider-Man since he needed to be noticed as a hero who would help out those in need. Smiling at this thought while safely heading down to the ground with Michelle hugging Jess before heading back to the hotel. Packing up their bags with Peter showing up, Jess wanted to be mad with him, but she instead ran over, hugging him, glad to know he was alright.

Them heading back to the school where her mother was waiting for her along with May hugging them both and taking them back home. Thinking about today's events looking over at the window in her PJs, seeing Peter passing back and forth. Wondering why he would be putting everyone through worrying about where Peter had been this whole time. Jess had always thought of Peter as her close friend though she secretly had always wanted to tell him how she truly felt towards him. Of course, she never did because she knew Peter had feelings towards Liz Toomes and didn't want to be selfish. Others would say it's not right to not say anything to the person you have the feelings towards since it's better to tell them. True, Jess believed in being respectful towards the people closest to her, thinking it is right to put others' needs before her own.

A person who truly loves someone isn't selfish; trust between both sides, compassion, and protection. Jess may be old-fashioned, but her heart is always in the right place, never thinking of herself more towards others' needs. It didn't matter how painful it would be for her to see her close friend never know her feelings, but she just wanted Peter to be happy. Thinking about the newspaper, knowing she would have to write out what happened today, of course, she just had finalized it honestly. Before saving it onto her flash, drive sighing lightly while rubbing her eyes after taking off her reading glasses. Not sure what to think about this whole situation other than it was going to be strange to have a conversation with Peter about his whereabouts. Jess ended up getting up from the chair, closing her curtains before turning in for the night since she needed to print off her article for the school newspaper.

Peter had been pacing back and forth since he felt like this was going to be a long night for him since he didn't like the idea of ​​leaving them. Wanting to apologize to everyone for leaving them the way he did, though, he was glad that no one got hurt, honestly. Before heading to bed to sleep thinking about him saving Jess thought it was amazing how she pushed Liz out of the elevator. Wondering if Jess was thinking about him right now ... er ... Spider-Man saving her or not? Yawning before rolling over on his side going to sleep before later on in the evening, he started to dream about the homecoming dance. Not sure why he started to dream about it though he wasn't dancing with Liz, he was dancing with Jess? Unclear about his feelings towards her thinking about how things were going to with this since he cared about her though not like this?

He noticed they were having a good time until he started to tell her how he felt about her. Once he finished, he waited for her to answer. Seeing her bright smile still spread across her face wondering if she would say anything just when she was about to. The alarm clock went off, causing him to groan since he wanted to know if she felt the same way with him sitting up quickly. Realizing what he just thought about with his eyes wide, knowing he loved her. Love. He loved Jess, and it made him smile widely. Getting out of bed, getting ready for another day at school, knowing he would get in trouble with what he did at the decathlon. With Aunt May taking him to school today, thinking about how things would go sighing lightly before getting out of the car.

Telling Aunt May by only to have ned come by his side wondering if he was going to be alright? Jess walked over to them; her hair pulled up in a floral braid with it half up and half down. Simultaneously, wearing her silver key necklace, gray and black striped cardigan, a white v-cut t-shirt with the Ravenclaw crest, black belt, blue skirt, and black All-Stars. Peter thought she looked amazing in anything she wore, trying his best not to stare at her since he didn't want to be creepy.

"Morning guys, sorry I can't chat with you both right now, I have to send in the article I wrote for the decathlon, but I'll be free later when I'm at work. Since I'm closing the store tonight, this is my first time doing this. Talk to you all later, "Jess said, smiling at them before taking off into the school.

Peter felt himself get nudged by Ned, "Dude, this was supposed to be your moment to ask her to the homecoming dance?"

"Ned, I'm going to tell her but not right now since she's busy, you know," Peter said to him, walking into the school.

Peter felt confident about telling Jess to the dance since he knew these feelings he'd been having this whole time were towards Jess. He didn't realize how much they were until they were trapped inside the Washington Monument, and he saved her. Walking into class with Ned during his first period knowing things were going to be changing but for the better. Jess headed into the school newspaper room, printing out her article for the school newspaper; the thinking was nice.

Knowing that adding the part with Spider-Man saved them from cheating death, knowing this would be alright. Thinking about how tonight would be a drag at work because she didn't want to close the video store tonight. Not liking the idea of ​​walking home by herself since didn't make her feel alright, sighing lightly. Liz walked over to Jess, thinking about how she helped her from being trapped in the elevator, glad Jess had helped her.

"Jess, how are you doing," asked Liz wondering if she was alright.

Jess hadn't been ready for Liz to come over to talk with her, "I'm alright, thanks for asking, how about you?"

"I'm alright; I just wanted to thank you for pushing me out of the elevator since I figured it would be a difficult choice to make. Most people wouldn't have done something like that, and I'm glad you did that, "Liz explained to Jess, hugging her, which caused Jess to be off guard and hugged her back.

Jess smiled at Liz, "I don't mind. I'm just glad you are doing alright, Liz. Besides, a new savior is watching over us. Spider-Man was there to help, so it was lucky he was there that day to help us. "

Liz nodded in agreement, knowing things would be better with Spider-Man around to help them out when they needed it. Jess and Liz ended up going to their class; glad know they were both going to be alright since things were going end up for them.