The animals had been siren to Trey words and released animals and humans Lyric walked past.

Inside the buildings humans who control the government commanded the animals to attack the other animals and humans coming in.

Severals animals and humans started attacking but most fell and became human again the animals ran looking for a way out.

Finally she had found the two from her past the two a small part of Lyric remembers she realeased them.

Lyric saw someone who remained her of the March sisters she said Sorry for the lost time but it seems are worlds has be intertwined again.

Some how you look like my parents now and Lyric floated down to ground and open the gate of the cells.

As she touched animals who had morphed into humans she corrected the spell on her way to recusing.

Lyric she yelled at Linxs and Ricky run for the clearing past the forest of Swans ignore the animals and get to the forest entrance for you two get back to your time.

I will see you again Ricky and Linxs they thank her ran to the forest past the Spiritual Animals coming in to heal and help .

Trey appeared as Lyric standing by his side said We are the Goddess and Prince of animals and human souls.

They spoke at same time its time to be released to your orginal form,

Its time for Soul mates and Twin flames to be released naturally for you will find each other the way we meant for you all.

The two human and animal form gathered the animals and humans one by one the color souls were released to each human and animal in the City and village.

Soon after Lyric saw her mom walking with a wolf besides her when her mom spoke she said that her wife was human coming to the City but morphed into the wolf you see now.

Lyric bent down and look into the eyes of the wolf and she began to cry for now her Mom was the form she was again before they had entered the animals of Exclusive.

Her brother spoke to her Lyric just this once we can for her Trey put his paw on the wolf and nudged Lyric to do the same she rest her hand on the back of wolf and she morphed back into human form.

Trey spoke you have as many lives as your soul mate and he ran back into the forest and Lyric stood up and helped her Mom and up as well.

Lyric said It was time she kept her promise for she now the Goddess of human and animals souls you live your lives here.

Its a new day for all who have found they're Soul mates she bowed and disappeared from the city and eyes of the humans around her.

When she arrived at the forest entrance she saw Laryc and Marta and her brother talking she walked over and hugged them all.

Lyric said Trey will be the Guardian of the village and the forest and Laryc you will live as a human in the City with your wife your soul mate is waiting at home for you.

And Mom and I , you will guide me the rest Magic and then you will return to father above the Fortress of Spiriual Animals.

And Trey responded that Lyric would finish founding the souls and find her two spirited flame as well but first she would has to master her tails before finding her mate.

Marta said that she never knew that the two spirited person could be two separated forms for Quinton had been taught they would always be one being never two.

Lyric responded well if the two agree to the entity is a animal form and the other human you could separate from each others true form but adding your element into it not a human.

It changed us from being two spirited to being four spirited souls we had agreed to separate once we fixed the curse and spells put in place.

Trey said he knew that once the swans released Lyric body into the Pond of Memories he would remember the pasts of her and his lives but the one he created now.

Lyric was always searching for the piece which was missing in her we also have different memories for( I) Trey was Lyric for 19yrs as a human.

And Nathyda was the fox years before that which caused you Marta to curse the village and city and parts of the forest.

And to release memories isn't easy is it Laryc for memories can come like dreams to humans and animals.

Laryc left the forest heading to the City when she got outside the forest it had disappeared.

Her body started walking on her own when she got to the door a woman open ot she said did you forget the milk again Laryc well at least you got the rest of the groceries.

The woman had long blond hair and eyes of green she pulled Laryc in the house into the kitchen.

Laryc looked around the house and their we're tons of pictures of her and Nathlida and her wife and a baby.

Her wife said Baby are you lost in thought?

Say something Xandra uh wow I am married too Xandra the Llama Xandra said Hey now its Mrs.Xandra Frost now.

Where your sister Nath? Is going to be late again can you call her and tell her that her niece Winter needs sleep as well so no loud bangs or they're sharing rooms.

Laryc laughed and kissed her and said I will tell her the door open and Nath yelled to Laryc some help I got pampers and milk here Hello?

Xandra rushed and helped Nath with the rest of the stuff Nath said she was going to take a trip for a month she given money.

For her niece Winter milk and pampers and a little extra for her sister Laryc and Xandra.

Nath smiled at them both as she closed the door behind her Xandra ran out too tell her something but she was gone already.