Words of Wisdom

Sara didn't know how long she had rested on Sean's shoulder for, but found that she woke up in the bed alone. She heard rustling out side the room before Sean walked in. His brown eyes had the gentleness in them again, "good morning honey. You've over slept. I picked out some clothes for you but we need to leave soon." Sara nodded as she got out of bed and made her way to the bathroom. After a quick shower she walked into the main room of the suite and looked at Sean. Seeing the partially drunk bottle of vodka and the now two empty bags full of knife holes, she blushed. "Sorry for last night. I don't know what came over me." Sean chuckled before pulling her into a hug, "it's ok. You had every right to be angry. I'm sorry for the misunderstanding. I hope it won't happen again. Good accuracy, also from watching the cameras from last night good form too." Sara smiled hearing his praise before responding, "next time I'll aim for something more valuable to you." Sean chuckled as the two made they're way out of the hotel.

After heading out of the city towards the south west Sean sighed before speaking again, "My parents do not live a rich lifestyle so please be prepared for that." Sara nodded before thinking of a question, "what is your family history. I know nothing of the McAlesters." Silence enveloped the car until thirty minutes later Sean spoke, "my grandfather, the late Mr. McAlester, was a world war vet and truck driver after, my grandmother was a nurse. My mothers parents have both passed but he was a mechanic and she was a shop keeper. My mother was an elementary teacher and my dad is a engineering consultant. Growing up we weren't rich but lived comfortably. It wasn't until I started Dearborn and sent money to my parents from a trust fund I setup for them did they retire. As you can tell they're both in their late fifties. My sister and I came late in their life."

Sara nodded before asking, "who would you consider your biggest influence." Sean looked at the woman who either was extremely bored or trying to get to know him. He smiled before responding, "my mothers dad. I learned a lot of life lessons while working on cars and trucks. He also would help local farmers out to so I would also help bail hay and gather crops. It was a simple life he led but fulfilling." Sara smiled before asking, "what kind of life lesson can you learn while working on a car?"

Sean sat in silence for a bit before he spoke again, "one day were leaning under the hood of an early 1960's Chevy pickup. My grandpa tapped my arm and said 'do you want to see the prettiest woman in the world.' At the time being a 13 year old boy I was just finding about woman. I nodded and he pointed at his wife smiling. Then he spoke words that I'll never forget: 'you know this engine is the original one the truck came with. It has lasted this long because the owner took the time and patience to take care of it and nurture it. That's the same with a marriage. If you take the time to take care of it and patience to go through the tribulations together then it can last a long time. However if you don't then…' he just pointed at this old Chevy car we had that the engine blew." Sean started chuckling as he began to think about those simple times. Sara shook her head, "that's all well and good but how long did their marriage last?" Sean smiled before quickly responding, "78 years. Grandma went first and he followed her 2 months later. I remember him telling me one day as he hugged me that it would be our last time to see each other. Not believing him I made a joke about it, he passed away 3 days later in his sleep peacefully."

The atmosphere in the truck got solemn as Sara realized that she had touched on a soft spot. But Sean reached over and grabbed her hand. He kept his eyes on the road but softly whispered, "I hope we last even half as long as they did. I can't bear to loose you." The words make Sara feel warm inside as she gently looked at the hand holding hers. She smiled before looking out the window when Seans phone broke the peace full atmosphere. Soon the car was either filled with soft music playing or the voices of business people talking with Sean.

Back in Bay City....

"What do you mean he's left town. And you can't track him?" Mr. Carmichael yelled at the young man in the hotel suite. "He's our only link to The Black Wolf. The other generals are too tight lipped even Karen wouldn't spill the beans with torture. She's probably the weakest of them all." The young man stood silently till the man finished his rant, "Sir, he left town yesterday in an unknown vehicle and hasn't been seen since. Karen was last spotted in Nashville along with the others but he wasn't anywhere to be seen. It seems if the top brass was meeting he wasn't invited or chose not to attend."

Mr. Carmichael shook his head, "no no no. Damn it. There's a saying that the devil walks among us, and Nashville is his bride. It came from a singer called Eric Church. That saying couldn't be more true about The Black Wolf and that city. No one will talk to us and the moment we step foot there we'll be swarmed. Nashville and Fort Worth seem to be his strongest strongholds in the US. Try and find him. If Sean isn't in Nashville with the other generals, where could he have gone."

The young man nodded before responding, "remember sir. This place is completely loyal to him. We must tread carefully or we'll be ousted before the 18th." Mr. Carmichael snorted before he coldly responded, "he saw through our first plan, what about the Saharan groups we have. They surely could cause some trouble for him." The young man looked at his phone briefly before responding, "The Saharan groups are actually wanting in loyalty. A lot of the old guard who were loyal to us have died off or been replaced by a younger group who pledge to him."

"Damnit" the old man coughed as he walked over to a chess board. Looking down on it he sighed. Picking up the white queen he walked back over to the desk. He sat down before looking at the young man again. Sighing he said, "we made the first move. Now it's time to see if the master retaliates or plays defensive. We will lay low till the 18th. After that we will make our move accordingly." After the young man left, Mr. Carmichael walked back to the chess board setting the queen back down. Picking up the black king he muttered, "your move."