WebNovelThe Armor100.00%

A cat named blue

The entire idea about this situation screams insane finding out I wasn't Human was one thing, but now there are other races well....like me ? Like this situation bothers me a lot...what happens if I can't stop what's coming this is serious than anything I've ever done or about to do. I'm only 17 how am I gonna save Earth ?

Running my hand through my now damped hair I sighed as my mind wandered to what blue had said earlier. I came face to face with my reflection in the mirror, she was confused the 17 year old that onced lived a normal life.... was it ever though? Now had the fate of the world resting on her shoulders.

I sighed as I turned my attention towards the window, the Moon creepd in casting a shadow, Along the curtains. I then hopped through the window,without a second thought, once outside I was greeted by the violent winds. That howled in the distance, I took this moment to enjoy the fresh air around me. The grass felt soft and comforting against my bare my feet. It's been awhile since I've walked barefoot around the yard it felt So new to me.

Each step I took I got flashes of the events of earlier..it's like I was lingering between both worlds, Everything feels vivid.

there was always this big oak Tree in the backyard that I Would always hide under whenever I'm feeling depressed, it's large body hanged over like an umbrella it's body danced in the moon light . Casting shadows in the yard which were almost scary, almost. On my way over to the tree I noticed the fallen leaves that were scatterd along the roots of the tree.

I then flopped down On the grass looking into the distance where, countless stars illuminated the sky knowing that there is a bigger world out there than my regular teen life I kinda feel alone that there isn't anyone like me.....except blue I blinked then warm tears ran down to lips I blinked again then tears ran down harder.

I rooted up a hand full of grass throwing it but I never had a reason I just threw it.

Suddenly I heard the crunching of leaves..I looked to my right where I saw a cat in the shadows. Coming towards me. Obviously it's blue with one swing I sent her flying....god! that felt good.....

blue then took on her human form ermerging from the shadows and judging by the fury in her eyes she was obviously not amused.

" Justina what was that for ?"

I shrugged " well, you were the closest thing to hit so I just decided to give it a try "

She sighed as she ran her hand through her hair "what am I gonna do with you ?" her anger slowly died Down emerging into a smile. She then sat down beside me. Looking off into the distance.

" Xeph.....well Justina just know that everything is gonna be fine, I'll be here for you, you don't gotta be scared"

I looked at blue and then at my house and noticed how quiet everything is All I wish for are moments like these where everything's okay no war just total peace.....but everyone knows for goal such as peace there is always a price to pay a high one at that, there's always a sacrifice for the greater good.

And even when All is said and done new evils always arise so This world will never truly know peace. Holding up my hand towards the sky almost as If i could touch the Moon I made a vow a vow that I'll become Earth's protecter and that I'll protect it even if it cost me my humanity and my life.

Blue smiled based on the look on her face she finds This interesting.

" So blue when do we start Training?"

Blue then rose to her feet a smirk curling along her lips as if she was expecting me to ask her this.

" how about tommorrow" she walked into the moonlight revealing once more that she was naked.

I sighed " can you please put on some stupid clothes?"

"For your information cats don't wear clothes" she smiled proudly.

" but your not a cat....well.....your not even human"

She arched her brows looking me Up and down. Smirking as if to say I'm not human either.

"Ughh okay fine ....you've made your point " at this point I had no words to get back at her with well I guess, I can only blame myself I walked right into that one. Pushing myself off the grass I began walking towards my house. I leaped in through the window landing on my feet without making a sound.

I lazily made my way to the bunk bed throwing myself down...not caring whether I was half way onto the bed or if I was on the floor all I knew I was tired. Everything started to get blurry then just like that sleep welcomed me with open arms.

Next morning

Slowly I opened my eyes the first thing that I was greeted by was blue sitting ontop of my chest....

"Come on kiddo up and at em lets get you into superhuman form"