94 days, I have 94 days till my birthday. That's 13 weeks and 3 days from now. Today is April first. 3 months. I can hold out for 3 months. I graduate high school next month. I already have a job. I've been saving as much as I could from each check for almost a year. I'll be able to leave here and start my new life in 3 months.

     With a deep breath, I look in my broken mirror taking in the reflection of my safe 5 by 6 bedroom. If you can call it that. No closet, tiny window that is useless for a fire escape. No overhead light, no light switch. I have a suitcase I bought myself for my clothes. It was a nice big one that was bright blue and made for travel. I smiled at its reflection.

     I glanced at my watch. I have 15 minutes before I had to be out the door to make it to school on time. I looked quickly at myself. Checking for the last little details before heading out. I often throw my hair up in a high ponytail and my favorite ball cap on. Too-big-too-old gray T-shirt, worn old blue jeans, and my boots. It was almost summer now. I don't need a jacket.

     My eyes were bright today. Almost a golden brown that made the green in them more visible. Freckles covered my face, and they were getting darker due to the increased sunlight. My hair was getting lighter from the sun too. If honey were red-ish that would be the color of my long wavy hair. I liked how I looked right now. But, I couldn't show it. I had to hide it until I was at school at least.

     I had to leave now. Before my dad, Jerry wakes up. He is the poster boy for mean, ugly, nasty, fat, drunks. He reminded me of a pig at times. He was shorter than me, by a good 3 or 4 inches, with a flat nose that turned up so much you could almost see his brain. Most of the time I'm able to avoid him. It helps that his work has him on the night shift. But he is known to wake up when I leave so he can smash whatever good feeling I have with his stench and words. He has kept me home from school a handful of times and made me cater to him. Rather that be, getting him beer every 5 seconds or drive him to his sketchy dealer's house. The whole time hearing him talk all sorts of awful things about me.

     I shook myself mentally. I need to go. Grabbing my keys and as quietly as I could open my door peeked into the little hallway. I didn't hear the T.V. Good. I moved quickly to the front door.

"Where you going in such a hurry?" My dad spoke. His nasty morning breath filled the air almost making me gag. Even though he was sitting across the room in front of a blank T.V.

"I was goin' out to get ya your beer. I noticed you were runnin' low." I said quickly and quietly. Silently cursing my drawl, he didn't like it when I spoke like that. Anyway, if I told him I was going to school he wouldn't let me go. He believes females don't belong in schools.

"I got me some last night," Jerry grunted.

Shit. "Oh. Well, is there anythin' you need from the store?" I tried to sound as polite as possible. I was not trying to stay here today.

"As a matter of fact, I do." He paused for a disgusting yawn, "I need you to go to the gas station and get me my cigarettes."

"I can't yet Dad, I'm still 17. You have to be 21 to get anythin' like that now." I said gently. I knew this would make him mad.

He looked from the blank T.V. to me and stared me down. I fidgeted under his glare and moved my eyes to my boots. Slowly he got out of his chair and started toward me.

"Did you just defy me?" He asked coolly when he got in my face. He was breathing hard. It wouldn't matter if I spoke or kept quiet, he was going to keep me home. I really didn't want to stay here.

"No sir. I'll go get your smokes." It came out just above a whisper. I didn't dare move. Or breath.

"Oh no." He laughed. "It's too late for that. I oughta whoop your ass."

I tried to make myself shrink. I closed my eyes bracing for the blow I knew was coming to my face when there was a knock on the door. I scooted away to let him answer it. His eyes didn't leave me till the door was open. It was a few of his friends who came over a lot to get high with him. 

Oh, thank you Lord! I thought. Jerry's friends don't like it when anyone is around while they do their thing. This means I get to go! I genuinely believe I am the only one who is excited about going to school.

     With a sideways glance at me, Jerry jerked his head to the back door, "Get out of here you useless, brainless girl." It came out as a snarl but he didn't have to say it twice. I bolted for the back door. I was going to regret that later and I didn't care. I hopped in my blue Chevy truck and took off. By the time I pulled into the parking lot, First period was almost over. Oh well, better late than never in my case. I rushed inside.