We went to McDonald's. Nothing fancy, quick, and easy. While waiting in line I texted my boss to ask if I could come in a few hours early. He replied, "No. You're already working too much for part-time, saw you're hrs. You got the next 3 days off." I sighed. He was right. Just 3 more months. 

"You ok?" Axcel asked, bringing me back to the present.

"Yeah. I'm alright. Can't wait to get outta here. So, could you start tellin' me what your friend meant earlier?" I don't want to talk about me. Axcel didn't say anything for a few minutes. I figured he was trying to put whatever it was into words. We got our food and I took us to a spot I like to go to when I want to think clearly or simply want to feel peaceful.

     My spot was easy enough to get to. I parked my truck at the far end of Island Park, next to the Nature Trail.

"Follow me. My spot is on the other side by the river." I said, grabbed my food, and started walking toward the dike. He followed without hesitation. I led us to an area that was surrounded by trees and the river was low enough anyone could walk right through the water without getting their ankles wet. After a few minutes of walking, we came into a clearing. A perfect circle at least a 25-yard radius.

"This is my place. I come here when I want to feel peaceful. Or to think clearly. Or if I just want to." I shrugged and sat down in the middle of the clearing. Axcel followed my lead. We ate in silence simply enjoying the nature that surrounded us.

     After what seemed like hours of blissful nothingness I looked at Axcel. I was going to start pressing him to tell me what his friend was talking about but his expression took me by surprise. He was already looking at me. Studying me. I watched his eyes as they covered me, head to toe. The weird thing, I didn't feel like he was intruding on me.

"What?" I asked quietly. I didn't want to disturb the peace.

"I'm just amazed by how much you look like someone I know." He said

"Who do I look like though? The other girl said the same thing." Axcel took a deep breath and took his time answering.

"Before I jump right into it, what do you know about your mom?" I was taken aback by his question. What would my mom have anything to do with anything? I tried to dig deep into my memories. Looking for anything that would lead to my mom.

"Nothing. I don't even know what she looked like. My dad doesn't have any pictures or her and he never spoke of her. I just assumed she died giving birth to me. What do you know of my momma?"

"Hhm." He bit his lip and looked away. I waited patiently while he searched for words to use. This is an odd situation, it's not every day a stranger knows more about your family than you do. I can be understanding of how awkward this is, but just like everyone else I have limits and I can see mine coming.

"I need you to keep an open mind, please. I know you want to know everything but I don't think I'm the right person to break everything to you. Especially on the first day, we met.." he trailed off. I shifted my body so I was facing him.

"I can promise I won't hate you for knowing more. It's not like I chose to not know anything." My patience is coming to an end soon.

"I can tell you, I never met your mother officially. But our families were closer than most. I can tell you, you look exactly like her. You have her face, her eyes. This might sound bad, but I can't tell if you have her body. What I mean by that, I can't tell if you have her structure." Shaking his head he took another deep breath, "I have only seen pictures of her. And I might sound like I'm obsessed or something, knowing some of the smallest details and all but I'm not. You and I, we're not related but we come from the same-"

My phone started ringing. Gritting my teeth I look down at it. It's Jerry. Why the hell is he calling me? If I don't answer it'll be bad. For a split second, I don't care what he'll do to me. I don't want to deal with him. With a sigh, I get up.

"Hello?" I'm walking away from Axcel and he starts picking up the wrappers from lunch.

"Where the hell are you girl?" Jerry snarls, "I sent you to get my damn cigarettes and beer! It's been all day! I knew you were stupid but I thought you were smart enough to know where the gas station was."

"I went to school. I didn't realize I still had to get you your stuff." I clap my hand over my mouth this time. I definitely went too far. There's no getting out of this beating now. There was silence for a long while, he was likely just as shocked by my outburst as I was. Shit.

"You're lucky I'm in a forgiving mood. I'm going to give you a choice. You can either show me respect for giving you a place to call home your whole life, being grateful for making sure you have food in your stomach, roof over your head, and clothes on your back; or, you can get your shit, get the hell out of my house and live on the streets. Just remember, if you choose the streets, that truck stays with me." The call ended. For a moment all I can do is stare blankly at my phone.

     Is he really telling me to get out? I'm not worried about his threat to keep my truck. He doesn't know I keep the title with me all the time. That is my truck. End of story. I would have to get a PO box, and I could shower at the city gym or somethin, there are several laundromats around town. I won't have to spend my money on his drugs or alcohol anymore. And it is starting to warm up, which means the nights won't be so bad. I could charge my phone while at work. The streets sound like a really good idea.

"Everything ok?" I jumped at the sound of Axcel's voice. I completely forgot he was here!

"Oh, yeah. Never better." I smile at him. I didn't have to try hard to make it seem real. Sure, it'll be embarrassing to tell people I'm homeless if it ever comes up in conversation, but I don't talk to anyone, so I don't think that would be a problem.

"You sure? I wasn't trying to eavesdrop, but I did hear some of it. Like your dad kicking you out?" Axcel sounded concerned and he looked worried for me. I just shrugged and led the way back to my truck. The walk back was just as quiet as the walk there. It wasn't bad though.

     My momma looked just like me. At least in the face. I will never look in the mirror the same way again! Honestly, I kind of want to go shopping for clothes that actually fit me. Just because I lived with white trash doesn't mean I have to look like it, and if I'm being honest here, I'm still hurt from Jack's words. I want to honor my momma by looking more civilized. Which means I'm gonna have to care more about what I wear. More questions started popping up in my head. What was she doing with a guy like Jerry? How did she die? What was Axcel about to say? I looked at him as we climbed in my truck. I don't think he would know the answers. So I just kept them to myself.

"What would you like to do now? It's two O'clock. Everyone is still in school. I don't have plans, I don't want to go home yet. My mom will lose herself if I, uhh." Axcel cleared his throat and turned a shade of pink, "She would lose herself if I brought a girl home." I laughed.

"Well, I suddenly have an urge to go shoppin', I need clothes anyway. How do you feel 'bout that?" I asked. It didn't bother me if he wanted to come with or not, but the company sure was nice.

"Sure. I'm down." He smiled

"Alrighty. Walmart, here we come!"