Yes or no? 

'Oh god! This was enough trouble for the day, I didn't need anymore. Then why this? Is not this enough for today?'

Liam thought and turned slowly. 

"Ye- yes sir?" Lima tried to mutter up the courage and the strength to answer Mr. Miller. He had not moved, he had not turned full. Liam was just using his head to look at Mr. Miller. Not so far from the spot where Liam did that to Brian and James.

"Meet me in the staff room now," Mr. Miller demanded. Liam panicked even more. He was already sweating his pants. 

"SO is he the one who did Mr. Miller?" A teacher asked.

"I thought he was the one,"

"He must be the one, he is the most suspicious one here,"

"Yeah, yes!" And then it kept getting more and more chaotic until Mr. Miller spoke up.