All the soft forms.   

Liam started to pressure Brian even more after he didn't found the meaning of the last short form he just saw. It was the MQD short form.

'Let us check the next,' Looks like Liam just gave up after not being able to tell the short form of MQD.

The next that was now Liam's staring at was- SQ. That is a side quest. Liam frowned to the next folder, to the next short form. SQS- ah! Liam knows this one! I know this is the same as the MQS it is side quest stats! Well well done Liam. Then the next one, please? Here was the same as that Law was not able to get, this was- SQD. OW! What the hell are these and why am I not able to tell this? I will not rot by brian on this, okay next- PP. I guess it is the Player's Profile.