Waiting for you.

"Hah! Been waiting for your dumb system," That scare! The scare that was sparking in Liam's eyes. He has been waiting?

"Cool," Liam smiled at Eric. Eric was not looking at him when Liam got up.

"Huh? You getting up?" Eric turned in to see Liam get up. But Liam heard something else.

"W- what?" Rena stuttered and took 3 steps back. Liam turned his head at Rena without turning his body. Liam was confused about what Rena was giving her expression on. Rena again went back to some steps as near Ava, when the notification came. Aav started at her. The system notification. The message was heard by Rena. She was just that she heard the message. Ava was not able to hear it though. She was not still aware that Liam had awaked the system.

"Ye, he is getting up," legit repeated behind Eric. Vorden just started at Liam.