
As I rouse from a heavy slumber I am first aware of the coolness of the air and it's loamy fragrance. The ground is lumpy as if I were on a bed of earth and rocks. My clothes feel as damp as a flower in the dew of the dawn. I half wonder if I'm still dreaming as I sit up to take in the shafts of light that burst through the gaps in the leaf canopy above. Now I'm awake, perhaps more fully awake than I've ever been.

It's now the time that I was looking forward too—Recital. I look at the time as the hand struck at 7am. I got down and made myself breakfast, fried noodles and egg for today. Its somehow quiet today, I look around to see that my mother was not home. I wonder where she has gone early in the morning.

I'm wondering if she'll come to the venue where the recital will be held. I sighed, I need not to think about this now and think about the recital. If I got everything I need— dress, sandals, pieces, id, and of course, myself.

I got to the music room by 8:30 and it was already filled by many people. From the makeup industry, some clothing company, and conductors whose friends with Sir Ice.

"Good morning" a voice began. I turned around and it completely blew me off. I know I've seen Aaron in formal suits before but now that I have feelings for him, its completely different.

"..Morning.." I answered as he smile.

He examined me from head to food and gave me a compliment, "You're pretty as ever, Lou"

I felt my face warming up, "..Oh, shut it" to which he laughed.

We sat down at the side of the room beside each other, waiting for the other two to come.

"Are you nervous?" he asked.

"An obvious question"

he scoffed, "C'mon, no need to be nervous" he held my hand like it was normal,

"You'll do great"

"Oh, please"

"It's true! Here, look at me" as he turns his body towards me. I glanced at him.

"Look at me" he repeated to which I groaned, turning at him.

"What is it this time, Aaron?" rolling my eyes.

He handed out his hands, "Give me your hands"


He laughed, "You can't even follow simple instructions?"

I rolled my eyes, giving him my hands.

"I also do this when I'm nervous" as he let out deep breaths.

"Deep breaths, Lou..Go on"

I hesitated for a while, looked at him with displeased and took deep breaths.

"Here" as he rummage something through his bag and took a squishy ball.

"It's yours now" handing me the ball.

"...But why...?"

He grabbed my hand, putting the ball in my hand, "Take it..I always took it with me when I'm going to a concert, recital, seminars, or hospital. It helped me before, so now I'm giving it to you. Take good care of it, yeah?" he smiled.

"But..what about you?"

He shrugged, "Somehow, whenever I look at your nervous face, it makes me calm" and I hit him slightly hard to which he laughed.

"Hi~hooo~" Blythe joined our conversation, with Jax behind him.

"Oh my, you two came together? I didn't know you were that close" I giggled, teasing the both of them.

"Huh? Do you have a death wish or something?" she rolled her eyes. Jax seemed like he heard nothing for he was busy looking around the room.

He seemed to know someone when he went to Sir Ice and the other conductors.

"Okay, you girls can start your make up" he announced as they continued talking with Jax.

"Ah, by the way" he called out, "These two conductors here are Sir Hernan and Sir Milo"

We all bowed consecutively and they bowed in response.

"Sir Hernan here is from the same orchestra Jax is with, so they know each other. While Sir Milo is retired, he still teaches children who wants to play an instrument"

"They will be with us for today's recital and will be with us in the future. So you'll be seeing them often" he added as he smiles at us.

Sir Hernan smiled and said, "I'll be looking forward to be with you all"

"Children, I'm Sir Milo. Goodluck on your recital and do great" Sir Milo exclaimed.

We all smiled and hence the time for the recital has begun. The makeup team started doing Blythe's and my makeup while the Jax and Aaron was talking about something only they could hear yet the atmosphere around them is kinda tense.

"You okay there, Ella? Still alive?" Blythe began causing me to flinch, "Ye..yeah..Why do you ask?"

She shrugged, "Are you nervous for later? It will be my first time playing on a stage with you"

"It's my first time too" I smiled.

I positioned myself in front of the bureau mirror and took inventory. Makeup was minimal, reserved to a sweep of mascara. Too much tumbleweed hair, but what else was new? Lips could use some gloss. I licked my bottom lips giving it a wet shine. My hand starts to shake and I try to steady myself, one wrong move and everything is over. I need to stay still or else it will mess my makeup.

And so after 2 hours—it is done. It's now lunch time so we all decided to eat, luckily, foods were already ordered and is now served. That way, we can use less time and spend less money.

"Are you still nervous?" Aaron asked.

I grinned, "I'm not anymore..with this" as I showed him the squishy ball he gave me.

"Thank you" I smiled.

He smiled back as he pat my head, "No need to thank me"

After lunch, we started changing clothes. I wore a long v-neck dress with a slit to both sides of my legs while Blythe wore a fit off-shoulder dress, looking sexy as hell.

Aaron along with Jax and Sir Ice and the two conductors wore black suits with white long sleeves beneath it.

"You're pretty, Lou" Aaron complimented me as he looks at Blythe.

"Wow, Blythe. Looking sexy, eh?" he chuckled while Blythe blushed. Looking like she likes him or something.

Jax tapped my back as I turn around, "Hey" I said.

He looked at me from head to toe as he stares at me like it's the first time meeting him,

"..Beautiful..You're really beautiful.."

I smiled, "You look handsome too..especially with that hairstyle"

"Now.." Blythe put her arms on both of our shoulders, "We must go, right?"

"Yes..we must" Aaron agreed.

"Let's go, guys! We have to be early for our sound check. An hour's all we got, we don't need to waste time" as he clasp his hands together.

We all went outside and got inside this mini van and went our way to the venue where the recital will be held. This will be an event that I will describe as one of the most exciting and memorable in my life.