The Ending

Everyone I've met thus far in my life has played a part in my story. And while some have taken up chapters, most just scribbled notes in the margins. Only Aaron was the one who stayed the longest. Who had taken up almost all the pages in my book.

I have been with Aaron for 8 years now. It felt like it was only yesterday when I found out he wasn't going to last a year. And so then, my dull life has been colored by the brightest people in the world.

"What are you spacing out for, Louella? Let's go! We're gonna be late!" Blythe grabs me by the tendon of my arm.

"Aren't we supposed to be late?" I laugh softly to which she rolls her eyes.

"They're not going to wait for you for years. Now, come on." she continues to drag me.

We went inside the car with Blythe in the shotgun in me sitting in the back. The slowly roars its engine as we drive our way through our appointed destination. I look to my right, the window and see different kind of houses and trees. This is finally the moment I have been waiting for all of my life. I'll be together with him for the rest of my life. We arrived in front of a big church with ranunculus and peony flowers on its side with a red carpet in between them. I took a deep breath and looked at Blythe, smiled and nodded. This is it.

I slowly walk and as the big door opens the music suddenly stops and all heads turned to face end of the walk. Down the aisle I came. I wore a long strapless wedding gown with embroidery on my bodice. Rhinestones and pearl beads were sewn on my gown. I also wore a two-tier veil, with a matching crystal head-piece. I held a French rose silk bouquet. My Mom held my left arm and smiled at me as we reached the bottom step. There awaiting her was the pastor and my husband-to-be. Aaron was stunning. He wore a black, single-breasted, satin tuxedo with a white-wing collar shirt.

The music faded, and the clergyman stepped up to the microphone, Bible in hand. He smiled at the assembly. "Cherished family members and honored guests, I would like to thank each of you for coming out this morning," he said. The sound carried well from the small speakers to either side of the podium. The pastor placed the Bible down before him. "Let us begin by offering thanks to the Lord on this wonderful day." We all bowed our heads and he prayed.

After the prayer was over, the preacher led us through our vows. It was now time for the exchange of rings. An adorable little boy dressed in a blue tuxedo walked up and handed Aaron a ring. It was his nephew. He slipped it on my finger. The pastor smiled and turned to me. He repeated the question and received the same reply. I take his ring from a small girl dressed in pink and place it on his finger. "By the power vested unto me I now proclaim you husband and wife." "You may now kiss your bride." He did so, placing his one hand on my waist as the other caressing my cheeks. The pastor held up his hands, bringing the crowd to their feet.

Aaron and I left the gazebo, arms linked, with identical smiles on our faces. The best man, maid of honor, and the groomsmen and bridesmaids followed suit, falling in behind us. We stopped near the end of the walk, forming the start of the receiving line. The family and guests filed down, pausing for hugs and kisses and congratulating us, the young couple. I then turned around and threw my bouquet of rose silk flowers behind me. The women collided with each other as they tried to catch it. Blythe in the end catched it. Then Aaron and I ran to the Lincoln that waited for them. Both of our faces were blushed. We were so quick to get away. Aaron tried not to step on my long white train that dragged the ground as we ran. As we reached the decorated Lincoln, Aaron jumped in the driver's seat and I in the passenger's seat. Aaron took off as if he was in the Indy 500, ready to win a race. The ribbons and twisted coils and streamers whisked in the wind behind them. The wedding had turned out delightful. This is our start. This is the moment it becomes real. We are married. We are infinite. Me and Aaron. The first boy I ever slow danced with, ever cried over. Ever loved.

"I'm pregnant!" I announced holding the pregnancy test up in my hands. They all shouted in glee while some cried, most of them did. Specially my mom.

"Blythe.." Jax called while others were celebrating for the pregnancy.

"Yeah?" she lifted a brow.

"Do you think we should get married too?"

She blinks. A soft spill of tears fall from her lashes and tumbles down her cheeks.

"I love you."

His lips brush against her, "I love you too."

"Let's get married when everything's settled, yeah?"

She nods.

"And in closing, congratulations on finding someone who you think you can put up with for the rest of your life." I raised my glass of wine when they all followed a round of applause.

"This is going to be worst Maid of Honor speech in the history of the written world." she sighed before she plastered a smile on her face, obviously embarrassed.

"They're finally together, huh?" Aaron nudge my shoulders, giving me water.

I take it to my hand, "Finally" I groan as I gulped down the water.

And smiles turn into laughs. And laughs turn into kisses. And before you know it, the days turns into weeks. And weeks into months. And you'll find yourself forgetting what it was like before they were in your life.