Never Offend Zen!


Walan cried as Elder Strix slammed him into the wall. His body burst open, and pain wracked through him.

He was in the first layer of the Energy Refinement stage, but he was no different from a fish on a chopping board in front of the Elder.

"E-elder, this is a misunderstanding!" shouted Walan as Elder Strix started walking towards him. "I don't even know what has been robbed! Much less participating in some robbery!"

"You think I'm some fool?" snorted Elder Strix.

He flipped his hand, and a circular jade pendant appeared. It was a tracking device created by an Array Master.

At his command, the pendant streamed out a flash of light and landed amidst the weapons Walan owned.


Walan was taken aback. He saw the light has actually landed on a treasure chest. The chest opened up, revealing sparkling spirit stones!

Elder Strix's face twisted while Walan's turned ashen.

"I don't know anything about it!" explained Walan hastily. "In fact, this is the first time I ever saw it!"

"Really? I'm surprised you are not claiming you didn't even touch it!" retorted Elder Strix.

"Right! I never touched it!" Walan's eyes brightened as he saw hope. "You can check if the treasure chest has my fingertips or my presence!"

Elder Strix stopped.

Could this disciple be speaking the truth?

In four hundred years of Arcane Light Sect's existence, rarely had it suffered any loss. Every loss was against the rival sects and empires. It never involved humiliation as the sect ensured the enemies also suffered.

That was true until today!

In the morning, Elder Strix – who was responsible for resource allocation – entered the treasure vault. He was smiling and in a good mood, but then he saw the vault was completely different than he remembered.

It was empty!

He almost got a heart attack. But he composed himself and scanned the vault with his divine perception. He wanted to believe some Elder had cast an illusion to pull his leg.

Sadly, the tragic reality didn't change.

There was nothing left.

It took a while for him to regain senses, after which he let out a roar and used the tracking talisman. That brought him here!

"Elder, you can check the treasure chest and confirm my innocence!" begged Walan.

Elder Strix's eyes narrowed. Energy flooded out of him and wrapped the treasure chest for a detailed scan.

His expression changed, and seeing it, Walan sighed a relief.

He was saved!

This thought barely flashed in his mind, and by then, he was rammed into the floor. The floor split apart, and stones stabbed into his skin.

"Bastard! You washed the treasure chest with water and erased all signs of fingerprints!" Elder Strix dragged him up. "But you think I won't notice the traces of water? You really take me for a fool, don't you?!"

Walan couldn't answer as he was sent flying. He slammed through the ceiling and emerged outside like a cannonball, falling amidst five Justice Enforcement Division cultivators.

These cultivators were the cream of the division, their status far higher than his. They would treat him well in normal times, but now their expressions were devoid of all emotions.

"Take him to the interrogation chamber." Elder Strix's voice reverberated in their minds. "And whip him till he reveals truth."

The five cultivators nodded.


The rays of morning sunlight spilled into the jail cell through the window. As they bathed Zen's face, his eyes opened.

The first thing he did was pull his right sleeve and confirm the existence of Brush of Creation. Seeing the tattoo on his wrist and feeling the brute vitality surging through his veins, he knew everything was real.

"What is Brush of Creation and Scroll of Eternity?"

He pondered as he got on his feet.

"And how could they be a part of me? From when exactly?"

He recalled the fight from yesterday afternoon. His field of vision had suddenly changed, as if everything was a part of a painting.

It provided him excellent support in tempering the weak spots of his senior brothers.

"Brush of Creation must be responsible for that. I didn't have the tattoo when I dressed yesterday morning, so it must have come to me between the time in the morning to just before the fight."

Stretching his limbs, he gazed at the sky. He could only see a few clouds due to the limited window size, but that was enough.

"Could Brush of Creation and Scroll of Eternity be my Innate Spirits?"

He lacked knowledge of the cultivation world due to his mortal origin. So, his knowledge was limited to what he heard from teachers in the last six months.

According to them, some unique individuals were born with Innate Spirits that gave them extraordinary powers. These Innate Spirits could be anything, a beast, or even an artifact. There were even legends of Empyreans having worlds as their Innate Spirits.

"Or maybe they aren't Innate Spirits!"

Zen shook his head. He knew nothing about the brush and scroll, except for their names.

"I might not know their use or the ways to summon them, but I have benefitted from them."

As his thinking arrived on this, his lips stretched into a happy smile. His attitude towards life was filled with positivity, and no pressure or doubts could overpower that.

Outside the cell, Troy was dumbstruck as he saw the happy smile on Zen's face.

"There must be seriously something wrong with his brains! How could he be happy in a jail cell?!"

He has come to set Zen free as he didn't want to be involved in any shady deal any longer. With Walan captured, every episode involving abuse of power might be exposed. So, he didn't want to take a risk and quickly arrived here to clear every mess he was a part of.

But now, seeing the smile, he doubted Zen would ever complain to authorities. He might even thank them for giving him a night in jail!

"Cough!" Troy made a dry coughing sound, bringing Zen's attention. "The investigation has revealed you were innocent. As such, you are set free."

After saying this, he opened the cell.

"I see!" Zen nodded and stepped out. "If possible, please arrest me again. I had a terrific time here."



The residential quarters of outer court disciples was abuzz with chatter.

"Senior Brother Walan was dragged by seniors from Justice Enforcement Division!"



"No one knows as no reason was provided!"

"But one thing is for sure… Senior Brother Walan's condition is tragic!"

"I heard Elder Strix brutally thrashed him!"

"Poor Senior Brother!"

"It serves him right, though! He used to abuse his authority a lot!"

The outer court disciples were chattering when they saw Zen walking towards the quarters.

"He is free this quick?!"

"Why is he smiling?! Wait! What's that strong sensation rippling out of him?!"

"Impossible! He has evolved!"

Many jaws dropped in horror.

Zen was in the first layer of Body Tempering just yesterday night! Now he was in the ninth layer!

Just what the hell happened in the span of a night?!

"It must be the jail cell!"

A disciple that has been cultivating for almost a decade with no progress broke in tears.

"Are you telling me - being imprisoned gets you heaven-defying breakthrough!?"

"F@ck! If that's true, I am going to break laws and get myself jailed!"

Even Alan started at Zen jaw-slacked. He remembered Zen telling him that he always wanted to check jail.

Could this be the reason!?


He shook his head. There was no way that could be true.

But then what explains this unbelievable phenomenon?

Zen noticed Alan, and he waved at him.

"It is a wonderful morning, isn't it?" Zen asked.

Alan gulped a mouthful of saliva and thought, "Only for you!"

The surrounding disciples echoed his sentiments. They started at him, wondering how he could be so lucky?

"Could he be one of those heaven-blessed geniuses?"

The cultivation world was filled with stories of talented geniuses whom the heavens favored. Every bad situation will turn favorable for these geniuses and benefit them greatly.

And everyone who was against these geniuses will suffer greatly. That's how the heavens orchestrated the events.

"Len and other Senior Brothers who wanted to bully him… they got their nuts cracked! Since they can't afford high-rank healing pills, they will never share blissful times with women! Their life is a pure tragedy!"

"Walan who jailed him… he was humiliated and dragged for interrogation! His future also looks bleak!"

"There's no way everything can be a coincidence!"

Every outer court disciple who lived in this part of the mountain made a decision.

They will never offend Zen!