teaching naruto

- hmm... well done ken ! * pat on my shoulder * these jashinists are relatively small in numbers but almost all the powerful people in our or even other villagers know their existence . I haven't met any of them yet but in the records of senior konoha shinobi , the peculiarities of these jashiists are mentioned so I know that they must have given you a hard time . anyway , from the traces found in the mansion your testimony is confirmed so you can anticipate much greater reward for this mission after a few hours . on the surface , everyone else besides me , hokage and you will be notified that this mission was completed by a team of senior anbu and you displayed excellent tracking abilities only so remember this detail well * smile * . so collect your reward straight from the hokage anytime.

- thank you captain inu * bow * * shunshin *

hehe... those bastard jashinists even cause my reward of money to go up which is of course much appreciated by yours truly . looks like I will have to get used to getting money from hokage straight in the future as that old shit really gives me missions that have too many unpredictable facts . this old fox is really useless as hokage because he must think that these kind of missions will help me grow quickly but in truth even senior jounins would die if they fight with that black and white skeleton immortal shit in battle .

maybe I will be promoted soon so I am fine with these missions though as my experience rises much everytime. at first my taijutsu experience went up explosively after all I have hundreds of battle simulations inside my mind daily since that day . and now I have the idea about my jutsu's actual effect on people with different strenght so this experience will also be useful in future .

- system , how will my taijutsu compare to might guy now ?

- host can fight might guy with his third gate open and win with difficulty !

hmm.. so it means that I can fight with guy with 3 gates open and can win but not a sure win . anyway it's already very good that I can at least have a pure taijutsu fight with him as that guy is pretty much a taijutsu beast. so I shall train my body with gravity now and sometimes watch taijutsu practice of some senior ninja as I can copy their movements with my sharingan. it's great that my eyesight has improved at least 5 times of before because they wont be able to sense my stare from so far at least my exact location . I can also fight with pure taijutsu during some missions and gain more experience.

- system how many points do I have ?

- 5170 points

hmm.. the points I need to purchase flying raijin jutsu are 10000 so the half line is cleared huh . hehe.. I also have top space affinity so this jutsu will consume much less chakra too . no use fantasizing right now so let's go see naruto now.

I have promised to train him after all . I hope that he can improve at a steady pace because otherwise I will not patiently train him much . maybe if sasuke wants then I can train him too as that guy is also a pitiful one but i like naruto more because he at least has very positive attitude which is both his good and bad quality though .

fuuu.. I really want the awesome teleport power then I can hop to far away places in an instant which is cool after all . it took me ten minutes and I'm finally outside the academy . I didnt have any attachment to this place so cannot feel any nostalgia or anything . hmm.. the classes will end in five or so minutes so let's wait on the wood plank swing then .

( after 15 minutes )

- ken , you really became a ninja ? good * smile * . honestly I won't know if naruto didnt tell me . looks like your affairs are a secret !

- cough .. it's no secret iruka sensei ! look I'm wearing the headband so it's obvious..

- forget it , I'm just happy that my student's talent has been recognized * smile * . so you are free now ?

- yes ! I'm here for naruto. I promised to train him in private from now on * smile * .

- hmm.. naruto huh ? well it will be good for him if he can practice more so sure do it ..

- thank you sensei !

- ken , I trust you but I definitely won't allow other genin to teach my academy students as I feel that they are not mature enough . but with you I can rest assured so make sure that you train him hard as that twerp is lazy * smile * .

- * nod * I know and I plan to do so sensei !

- okay * ruffle my hair * . then see you later * shunshin * ...

this iruka sensei even gave me permission to train naruto . looks like he can see people's character to some extent. he does not doubt hokage even a little so I was bring paranoid that maybe iruka sensei is just a simple honest teacher. he is good after all. oh ? here comes naruto ...

- finally ! I've been waiting here for a long time now * smile * .

- * head down * I didnt know that you will come today ..

well he is right there as i didnt tell him ..

- anyway are you ready for some training? .

oh ? that old fox shit is watching us? hehe..that crystal ball of his is really a good toy . maybe in should destroy it sometime..

- * nod * I'm more than ready dattebayo!

- follow me then ...

hmm.. let's go to training ground 9 then . hokage is going to watch anyway so that grass plane is a good choice . naruto cannot even fight D rank monsters with his capabilities now anyway. by the way , there are many training grounds and each has a number assigned to it for the purpose of differentiation .

( after 6 minutes )

- naruto , you really need some training dude . I just ran at basic speed and you are already out of breath . welll we have reached the training ground already so let's start then..

he is really out of shape ! maybe I should give him some stamina training routine after the training today ends ..

- naruto , do you know what chakra is ?

- mn...

- oye! dont think that much .. it's the most basic knowledge...

- um.. chakra is power of body and mind ..

- well looks you have something right . yes , chakra is something like that . I wont explain in detail because you will get only confused . naruto , you think that you are a genius ? tell me your honest feelings ..

- mn..* look at me * * head down * no , I am not good at taijutsu , genjutsu and I cannot even use a clone jutsu * pouting *.

this guy actually looks cute when pouting ...

- naruto , in truth you are both a genius and an idiot so dont worry with my training you will improve very much in short time if you follow my instructions and practice hard ..

- really?

- really! * smile * you know what , naruto you actually have too much chakra when comparing to even most of the genins so you cannot control it well . that's why you cannot use clone jutsu well . so first we will train your chakra control which will more time and patience to improve in your case . but first let me teach you an amazing clone jutsu which even you can do now * smile * .

- clone ? ..

- dont get upset and look ..* handsigns * shadow clone jutsu * poof * .

after that ken explained the merits of shadow clone to naruto and told him to keep this technique a secret till he graduates because it was a B rank jutsu . naruto was really made for this technique as he actually succeeded in creating 107 clones in first time after only 16 tries. considering his chaotic chakra , it was even more impressive feat than a genius like sasuke because his talent for chakra control was inherently leagues better from naruto .

of course naruto had to try many times before he could create a clone that could last more than an hour before completely disappearing. ken and naruto were in the training ground 9 for more than 6 hours so naruto's progress was fast . the shadow clones stabilized when 3 hours had passed and naruto's chakra was exhausted so ken gave him a soldier pill to replenish the chakra quickly as he had many of them with him after all he didnt use them himself even once .

after naruto's chakra was full again ken ordered him to create 20 clones . 15 clones would practice chakra control , 3 would practice tree walking and last 2 would practice water walking . sticking leaves on body with only chakra was the basic exercise for chakra control and had its effects so ken said 15 clones for it as the process is much easy than other techniques.

naruto's talent was shit if compared to ken but overall its was better than average for chakra control so with his cheat of shadow clones , his progress was much better than so called geniuses . ken was wary that hokage old fox will not allow him to train naruto this early as he was still in the process of brainwashing naruto and others would complain if the jinchuriki of nine tails became stronger than their children . after all they were delusional people who knew the truth and still ordered their children to isolate naruto and bully him.

so ken used a illusion barrier seal to cover the small area where he and naruto were for 300m . the crystal ball definitely was a high tier artifact but its effect radius was too large after all so this simple seal was more than effective to deceive hokage . in the end according to system naruto's chakra control rose to 3.6 percent from 1.2 percent in just about 2 hours . ken estimated that the pace would be faster in initial phases as naruto could gain only about 15 percent chakra control even if his proficiency in leaf exercise reaches perfection . so he was already albeit only small but ken was making naruto practice tree walking and water walking which were also somewhat advanced techniques for improving chakra control . naruto would be able to stand on a tree for a minute or two in 3 or 4 days according to Ken's estimates so naruto's fast progress will continue till he reaches about 40 percent chakra control which is too good for even chunin level ninja.

ken of course ordered naruto to hide his progress in the academy and told him to strictly practice using clones only inside his house . ken told him that he can stay inside his house whole day and only send his one shadow clone to the academy when his proficiency in the technique reaches a high level . naruto wasn't stupid only an airhead so he knew about these facts and readily accepted Ken's advice ...