ken,naruto and sasuke

it's been a day since ken killed danzo and had a talk with hokage now . honestly he was happy because he managed to kill danzo way early than he had planned . after all maybe ken didnt want to be a hero as they are required to selflessly help others , helping others still made him happy .

sasuke also turned out to be just like ken had predicted. normally any other person would have tried to consult village elders or hokage if somebody showed you some images and convinced you that this is the truth . heck , they would even barge straight in hokage office demanding an explanation for example simpletons like naruto . but sasuke was different from them . he didnt do anything special and just accepted the truth. he even somehow found Ken's address and came at night to discuss about future training.

ken could see that sasuke was confused right now but still was intelligent enough to not make any rash choices. this was completely opposite from when he was burning for revenge before. human emotions are truly complicated and ken had just guessed such outcome based on his observation . Ken wont take such extreme guesses without any basis usually but this case was different. ken was simply looking forward to the aftermath if sasuke decided other paths . after all ken actually hated the arrogant personality of sasuke. it felt good when arrogant sasuke gritted his teeth while asking ken to let him join the training sessions ...

as for the captives ? hokage old fox handled them very well . looks like Ken's threat worked fine as he actually assigned kakashi to take care of the matter personally . ken knew that kakashi took the job simply because he checked the movements of kakashi through system map for a while. ken wasn't a saint so he didnt inquire about anything else . his thoughts were simple ' the victims should feel lucky that they were saved by me and the rest doesn't concern me at all . " this was just like ken . even though ken is gradually changing inside but such thoughts that are deeply etched inside his soul are difficult to change .

right now ken is together with sasuke and naruto inside a small training ground of uchiha compound. of course hokage was spying on sasuke continuously as it was natural for him to think that sasuke may have some connection to the man ( ken ) who destroyed both danzo and his root . so ken had again used a little complex formation seal to deceive the old fox .

in the morning it was really a handful for ken as both sasuke and naruto just didnt stop bickering at each other and even started fighting . so ken just taught them a lesson by flatteing them in seconds . this world respected the strong so ken simply tried to convince the little devils by saying that they had to obey him till they cannot defeat him . this actually voraciously worked and naruto and sasuke quieten down . still sasuke would arrogantly talk to naruto all the time which made naruto angry but ken didnt bother with them as it was good for naruto to have a rival like existence . this will improve his will thus faster progress .

- so sasuke , do you get it now ?

- mn, my chakra capacity is too low so first I will only train in chakra control and physical enhancement tch ..

- hey dont get annoyed now ! * smile * at least you get it now.. my master gave me basic gravity seals for you to train your body . here !

ken gave gravity seal to sasuke which was the extremely simplified version of his own seal which he of course created by himself . the properties were pretty much same and just the max gravity was 3x normal . sasuke wont be able to control the chakra flow constantly with his below average chakra control so ken made it so that the seal will automatically increase the gravity of his body 3x normal whenever sasuke poured his chakra into it .

when sasuke gets used to this much gravity then ken can always make some new seals which could increase the gravity a little more . by the way, ken was maintaining 11x gravity now normally in which his body movements are really restricted and can only produce power of a regular chunin now . this way he could spar with both kids frequently and they could improve their fighting skills more easily. meanwhile ken could also get used to the gravity more quickly so it's two birds with one stone thingy ...

- ken , why dont you teach me shadow clone jutsu too ? * pointing a finger at naruto * even that dobe can do it ...

- well of course you dont have enough chakra ! naruto is an exception because he has way more chakra , even more than double of mine ...

of course sasuke was shocked as he completely believed Ken's words now after getting straightened out by him . ken had one more motive in telling sasuke this information and that is awakening of a rival feeling inside sasuke for naruto. which looks it succeeded as sasuke had fire in his eyes now ...