itachi uchiha

- ahem ! system , can you please tell me the reason why my height suddenly reached 185 cm ? well I can guess something though ..

- hosts physical body naturally evolved to withstand the now powerful soul !

ah.. just like I thought ! so simply my soul needed a perfect container which is my new body huh ... well I can feel that every single cell in my body is brimming with natural energy so I can easily control my body size at will so let's forget it . the natural energy converts into natural chakra in my body so with my perfect chakra control , manipulating it is easy . especially now that I have gained yang affinity so changing body mass is just a peace of cake .

hmm.. there are so many powers now but with my perfect chakra control I can master then in an instant anytime so lets leave them for later .

- system , can I stay in this world after completing the main mission ?

- host can stay as long as host wants !

- will there be any changes to you when I go to another world ?

- affirmative! system will go through an upgrade according to the respective world ! host is advised to accumulate system points in this world !

hmm.. so system means that there will be changes but the points which I earn in this world can be used in other worlds too ! hehe.. then this makes things much easier . i plan to kill every akatsuki member except itachi, nagato , konan and obito . so others will definitely leave me with many points ..

well then let's meet itachi uchiha then ...

after that ken immediately used system map and easily found itachi's current location. he could see that itachi was together with another ninja inside the territory of country of earth . ken immediately transformed into the same middle aged man with crimson hair as he planned to make use of this figure for most of the meetings in future . then ken disappeared from his room using flying raijin jutsu and instantly appeared inside a small cave .

but immediately a sharp kunai came flying in his direction and ken could see itachi facing his way cautiously. ken wasn't angry and on the contrary he was impressed as itachi managed to instantly sense his presence only with the small intention ken leaked deliberately .

- well well .. it's not nice to attack your guest this way mr uchiha itachi ! * smile *

- who is this arrogant person itachi ? should I kill him ...

- shut up kisame! cant you feel the pressure he is emitting ? * cold sweat *

- huh ? what're you talking ab..

- space lock ! fuuu.. this shark person is really an annoying one so it's best to silence his loud mouth before we start our conversation .

oh .. dont worry itachi . here * eternal mangekyo sharingan * see , I'm just here to have a chat with my fellow clansmen.

- please start talking but I dont know anyone so powerful like you from uchiha clan ..

welll to say I'm impressed would be an understatement. I deliberately focused my chakra pressure on itachi only , slightly though but he is still composed enough to make rational decisions despite the fear .

just as expected he is different from other characters ..

- well let's leave my identity aside for the time being .

- what did you do to him ?

- oh .. the shark person? relax, I just used a little space jutsu to lock him inside. he is alive now and I will think about his life and death after finishing our little talk ..

- okay .. I'm all ears ..

- I like intelligent people itachi as they know to make the right choices most of the times ..