
- oye ken , I can see two ships ahead . shishishishishi.. one is pink so weird ..

- okay ..

hmm.. haha... that pink ship is really weird but I guess some things are just fated to happen . I changed so many things already but we still managed to encounter alvida . oh... haha.. this coby is really short and chubby ! well I just have to say one thing , this observation haki is amazing !

- oye , luffy ! the pink one is a pirate ship and they are going to raid the other ship . so do we help them ?

- hmm.. let's help them shishishishishi..

- you know generally pirates are evil and mind their own business but you are fine as yourself too because pirates are free to do whatever they want haha...

- oh ... that's true shishishishishi...

luffy was now somewhat proficient in using geppo so he kicked the ground and slowly rose in the air with quick steps . ken did not anything and just watched his disciple's progress with satisfied smile on his face . luffy made his way towards the pink ship transversing through the air and landed on it in seconds .

luffy as expected of the main character was extremely talented but an airhead . so ken had to teach him personally but his progress was explosive due to that . luffy was made of rubber now so his body was flexible and resilient. ken used this fact and made a weight suit custom made for luffy . then while training his body , luffy was complaining constantly but his strenght increased at an alarming rate . luffy had already broken through the human limits before Ken's arrival so his strenght after training now was great .

therefore the techniques of rokushiki - soru and geppo which were simple and just required strenght were extremely compatible with him . luffy being an idiot had problems with controlling his strenght so his proficiency using these two techniques wasn't that great. but luffy was an instinct type so his proficiency would automatically increase as he used the techniques more so ken wasn't worried about this.

ken watched through his observation haki luffy smiling and knocking out every pirate on alvida's ship casually while showing off his gum gum no techniques. sometimes he used pistol sometimes whip etc and it was pretty interesting show to watch . meanwhile ken laughed after seeing the frustrated face of nami as due to luffy she could not sneak inside alvida's ship to steal treasure.

when the fight was over and every pirate was lying down , black lion approached and scared the hell out of the passengers on cruise ship. well the huge ship and huge pirate jolly roger would scare normal people normally . ken was laughing on the huge deck remembering alvida's fat figure flying away into the horizon after luffy hit her with his bazooka.

- lyffy , let's go already! these people are already scared shit after seeing our ship ..

- okay shishishishishi..* jumping on black lion * let's go.....

- oye , what is this pink chubby shorty you are carrying?

- shishishishishi.. this is coby my friend. he wants to join navy and was abducted by fat alvida shishishishishi.. what an unlucky guy.

- hmm... haha.. you're right he was very unlucky hahaha... and coward too ..

c ( coby ) - please dont laugh !

after that ken pretended that he was clueless and listened to the story of coby from him in person. seriously, ken couldn't stop laughing as he was truly a coward for not attempting to escape in 2 years. well maybe any normal person would feel scared but ken now was used to being powerful so this experience of coby was only laughable to him ..

as for nami ? she was completely forgotten by ken as he had stopped using his observation haki and was busy laughing at coby now . nami had dissapeared after looting some treasures from the cruise ship while cursing ken and luffy nonstop for crushing her opportunity to rob advida pirates ..