The Bangtan chaos

They were about to enter the hall but all of a sudden Namjoon stopped her,

"Hey wait!!"

Sayesha got startled.

"Wh-what? All okay?."

"No. Yes. Ahh gimme a moment," Namjoon said.

He quickly took out the phone from his pocked and typed something.

"Okay let's go inside," he said.

Sayesha was befuddled by his strange behaviour but she nodded and they went inside.

In the dorm:

The scene was rather difficult for Sayesha to comprehend. The household with the most chaotic members was quiet and surprisingly, nothing seemed messed up. Sayesha was starting to question herself and her judgement about the boys. How was everything so together? She thought they'd be a bunch of hooligans getting on each other's nerves 24×7!

They went to the hall and found 5 boys sitting on the couch, minding their own business. Jungkook and Hoseok were looking busy with their phones, Yoongi had his headphones on while Jin and Jimin were literally, LITERALLY sitting and staring at the ceiling and walls! When they saw Sayesha they all stood up at once.

"Maybe all of the craziness is only for the camera," she thought feeling slightly disappointed.

"Hey guys! Meet Sayesha, our new manager and friend!," Namjoon warmly said.

The boys didn't say a word. They simply bowed.

"Uh hello. It's a pleasure meeting you all," Sayesha said with the most awkward smile.

She was low key losing her mind. She always loved them for their insanity and here they were standing stilly like mannequins. Sayesha turned to Namjoon who looked confused and somewhat embarrassed too.

"Ahh umm guys! Why don't we greet her Bangtan style!?," he said adding some sound to the strange silence in the room.

So, 6 of them then stood in a line, did the gun hand gesture and spoke in unison,

"2! 3! Hello we are BTS!"

"Okay girl, they really are sane," Sayesha thought looking at them. But nevertheless, she signed up for this. She had to blend in. So, she clapped enthusiastically and said,

"Haha I was so looking forward to this! I'm Sayesha, your new manager. I hope we make the best team!"

"Now if they don't open their mouths, I'll have a mental breakdown," she thought.

Finally Jimin spoke,

"Umm Joon Hyung, for how much more time are we supposed to keep calm and act sane?"

Namjoon facepalmed so hard that all the boys bursted out laughing and there was no going back then. They didn't stop for another lifetime. Jimin started rolling on floor losing his mind, Jin's windshield wiper laugh eliminated all silence from the room, Hoseok looked nothing different from a retarded seal clapping his hands, Jungkook fell back on the couch laughing and Yoongi showed Sayesha a text on his phone,

Namjoon: Alert!! Get your shit together morons!! We are coming in now! Act sane ffs!

Others were still falling over each other laughing. Namjoon rolled his eyes and said,

"But you idiots couldn't even manage it for 10 minutes."

Sayesha looked at Namjoon who was all red now.

"W-what? I didn't want them to scare you. I swear they aren't normal beings. Only I know how I'm holding this dumpsterfire of a band together," he said.

The sound of their laughter echoed in the entire dorm. Sayesha had never been so relieved. She was on the verge of having a meltdown because of all the sanity they were displaying. She laughed and said,

"Nooo it's better this way! trust me. Even I would prefer working with this dumpsterfire! And Mr. Kim, if I were to get scared so easily, I wouldn't have taken this job in the first place."

"Wait what?! Mr. Kim!? Damn! I can't take it!!," Hoseok lost it and hit Namjoon on the back cackling.

"Owww! You piece of sh- Ahh please, just Namjoon sounds better," Namjoon said.

"Haha okay. Btw, why are you only 6?," Sayesha asked.

"Oh Taehyung? He is napping actually," Jimin said catching his breathe.

Just the name made Sayesha's heart skip a beat or two.

"Yeah. Apparently the kid fell really hard and twisted his foot the other day we went ice skating. I told him not to jump around but...," Yoongi said

"Yahh! It wasn't my kid's fault, Yoongi. He was just too happy that day," Seokjin interrupted.

"Oh, is he okay now? Is it bad? Shall I call a doctor? Anything you guys need," Sayesha said with concern.

"Oh no no, it's been a week. He is much better. Infact he must be awake by now," Jimin said.

"Go get him, Jiminie. He too wanted to meet Sayesha but fell asleep," Hoseok said.

"Yes Hyung. I'll be right back." And with that, Jimin went to Taehyung's room.

They all sat and started talking like one big family and Sayesha already felt like a part of it. They were so pure and loving and most importantly, unapologetically original. But her mind was stuck on Taehyung. She had a massive soft spot for the boy. Sayesha was from Daegu too so, she was eager to know him, form a connection with him and it wouldn't be wrong to say that she also had a huge crush on him.