Three beating hearts

The streets were strangely deserted and as cliche as it may sound, it seemed as if tonight the universe had conspired for them to be together. Although a few people and cars could be seen at a distance, they weren't close enough to recognise Namjoon or Sayesha. The starless sky was watching over the two as they walked next to each other.

"Joon, what if someone recognises you!? What if we're caught by the paparazzi!? This is downright carelessness. Life threatening idiocy to be specific!," even with a mask on, the worry on Sayesha's face couldn't be hidden. She kept looking into her phone, then in all the directions simultaneously with those probing black eyes.

Namjoon couldn't help but smile. Thank goodness for the mask!,

"I seriously don't see anything like that happening but if you keep freaking out like this, I'm sure you'll be able to summon a fully fledged UFO! Let alone the media or dispatch," he said chuckling.

Hearing this, Sayesha's mouth shot open.

"Dispatch..oh shit! How did I not think about them? Joon I think we should go back. It's not safe for you. This was a foolish decision," Sayesha said stopping on the pavement they were on. She was about to make a call but suddenly, Namjoon took the phone from her hand and intertwined his fingers with hers.

He didn't plan on doing such a thing but Sayesha left him no choice.

He gently pulled her close and whispered in her ear,

"I know nothing's gonna happen as long as you're here with me and be sure that I won't let anything happen to you either, okay?"

Sayesha was in Namjoon's embrace and his touch felt stirring yet so soothing. Her hands were on his broad, well built chest. She could feel the heart inside of it pounding at an abnormal pace.

Holding her in his arms, Namjoon was waiting or a response but didn't get any.

At last he said giggling,

"Look, if you want me to melt, just say the word. But don't look at me like that."

Sayesha quickly looked away, then looked at him again and nodded.

"What's with the nodding?"


"So are you gonna calm down?"

"Yeah..," she said avoiding any eye contact with him.

"Good," he said letting go off her.

Sayesha didn't really want to decipher what just happened but her scarlet face said otherwise. She knew what happened and she also seemingly knew what was going on.

She adjusted the trench coat she was wearing and said,

"Okay l-let's go. We're almost there."

As they walked, Namjoon put his hands in his hoodie's pocket and maintained some distance so that Sayesha doesn't feel uneasy.

"So, what is bothering you lately?," he asked restarting the conversation.

"You won't leave it, will you?," she said sighing.

"Not in this lifetime," he said laughing but stopped when he saw that Sayesha wasn't.

"Hey, it's okay if you don't wanna tell. I understand it must be very personal and..."

"My parents are getting divorced," she blurted out without thinking.

Namjoon and Sayesha used to talk about their families somtimes. He knew things back at her home weren't good but this was shockingly unexpected.

"I'm so sorry, Sayesha. This is way too personal. I shouldn't have forced you."

"No, it's fine. I knew this was gonna happen sooner or later."

When Namjoon didn't respond, she turned to look at him only to find him looking at her.

"I'm listening," he said.

Sayesha exhaled and looked down trying to control her tears.

"You know, in order make peace with something, we first gotta feel it completely," he said trying to find the right words. Unfortunately, there weren't any.

Sayesha nodded and kept walking quietly. Namjoon had struggled a lot in life but not once did he let himself fall apart.

But today, Sayesha's wistful face was impossible for him to bear. It was breaking his heart.

After much hesitation, he slowly put his hand around her shoulders and could feel her body trembling out of distress. So, without saying anything he just tightened his grip.

"Hey, it's alright. I'm right here," he said softly.

Sayesha neither resisted nor responded.

Tonight, even the silence could be heard.

At last, they reached the parking lot of the high-rise building Sayesha lived in. She checked the time. It was midnight. Since the area was empty, they took their masks off.

Sayesha looked at Namjoon. The calmness of his face screamed emotions he couldn't express. Only if Sayesha could understand.

At last, the pool of tears in her eyes found a way out. Without thinking much, she snuggled into Namjoon's chest, held him tightly and cried. The facade of being a tough, emotionless girl had crumbled down. She sniffled and whimpered but didn't stop crying.

Namjoon wrapped one of his arm tightly around her curvy waist and patted her head with the other. He would've stood there all his life if it meant having Sayesha safe in his arms. He was gently moving his fingers through her hair.

"All I wanted was a normal family, Joon. Was it too much to ask?," she said sniffling. "I can't see them like this. It feels like I'm losing everyone I love. I always do," she said in a muffled voice.

"You've been strong for too long. It's okay to let it all out. Ssshhh...It's okay. I'm here," Namjoon said slowly rubbing her back.

Till the time Sayesha stopped crying, the front of Namjoon's hoodie was drenched in tears.

"Is the kid feeling better?," he said wiping her tears with the corner of his sleeve.

Swollen eyes, a red nose, she looked no different from a kid.

"I..I'm okay. I'm sorry you had to see this," Sayesha said trying to keep it together.

Namjoon cupped her face, looked straight into her eyes and said,

"I'm so proud of you."

"Proud of me?"

"It takes a lot of courage to be vulnerable. And I'm just glad that I could be here. And hey..?"


"I'm sorry that you've to go through all of this but you don't have to deal with it alone. I know you're not the kind who speaks of her miseries. You see?We are the same in so many ways. So, if you find me worthy, let me be there for you. Never say that you lose everyone you love. I don't know about love but...," he took a deep breath.

"You have me. Until the last star of the galaxy dies, you'll have me."

Sayesha smiled faintly.

"I know I have you, Joon and it means the world to me. Guess I'll never understand why you do so much for me."

"I don't do anything. Okay, no more crying now. The kid is exhausted and needs to rest," he said wiping the last tear off her cheek.

"Yeah, you should go too. It's late," she said typing something in her phone.

And within a minute, a car was standing infront of them. Two bodyguard came out of the car and bowed.

Namjoon stood there confused for a second and then turned to Sayesha in disbelief.

"What? How did they know?"

"You wanted to drop me home but I never said you'll go back alone. I can never put your safety at risk. They were following us the entire time."

Namjoon's eyes widened.

"Aish! You're unbelievable!," he said rubbing his forehead in exasperation.

This made Sayesha laugh.

"Mr. Kim, I take care of the people I love so that I don't lose them."

Seeing her smile after shedding an ocean of tears, Namjoon's fake anger obliterated and he smiled back.

"Fine, Miss Wang. You won," he said.

"Haha okay, off you go now. It's past midnight," she said pressing the elevator button.

"Hmm, alright. Take care and I'll see you...tomorrow?," he asked as the bodyguard opened the car door.

"You will," Sayesha said entering the elevator.


Big Hit entertainment, 11th floor, BTS's dorm.

Taehyung and Jimin's room:

Sitting on a bean bag, with an open laptop on one side, Jimin was engaged in writing lyrics for their upcoming album while Taehyung was lying on the bed scrolling through his phone.

"Keep the phone aside, Tae. Sleep," Jimin said writing on the notepad he had.

Taehyung didn't even look up from the phone and just nodded. Yes, Taehyung was smiling at his phone again. It had become a common occurrence now. Jimin often wondered what does his soulmate look at and smile like an idiot all the time?

Today he decided to unravel the mystery. He slowly got up, crawled to their bed and snatched the phone from Taehyung's hand.

"Hey!! Give it back! Jiminie I'll kill you!," Taehyung said chasing Jimin around the room.

"I won't! I wanna see what you keep looking at all day like a dumbass!," Jimin said playfully.

"Jiminiee it's not funny! Come on!," Taehyung said trying to get a hold of him.

Amidst the noises, there was a knock on their door.

"You little shits!! Why are you being so loud at midnight?!," Seokjin yelled from outside.

Taehyung and Jimin stood frozen at their places.

"Go open!," Jimin whispered.

"You started it! You go!," Taehyung replied. He was standing on the bed holding Jimin's right leg.

Not to mention, they were looking extremely funny at the moment!

"You've to leave my leg for that stupid!!," Jimin said rolling his eyes. Taehyung did.

Jimin opened the door and a furious Seokjin in his nightwear came in yelling.

"What is wrong with you kids?! People are trying to sleep here!! And Kim Taehyung why the hell are you standing on the bed!? Do you again want your foot..."

Poor Taehyung was getting scolded for nothing. He glared at Jimin who was standing behind Seokjin holding his laughter.

Jimin took this chance to peep into Taehyung's phone.

A folder named: "S💜" was open and Jimin got astounded by what he saw in it. There were hundreds of selcas, candids and solo pictures of Sayesha clicked on multiple occasions. The smile vanished from Jimin's face. He looked at Taehyung and a thought crossed his mind. He quietly kept the phone on the bed and let out a deep sigh.

"Soulmate...we need to talk."