"Welcome to my simple abode. My friend, and your?" York opens the door less than a minute after Ozril presses the doorbell. He looks good and neat with his plain white shirt and a pair of jeans. Our outfit fits today since Ozril picks a plain white shirt and light blue denim short pants for me to wear in this casual dinner meeting with York. I bit my lips in response with my uneasiness and excitement. Looking at him takes my breath away and makes me smile.

"This is Jassy, my...uhm, marketing manager." Ozril introduces us as we have never met before.

"Hello," with my sweetest smile, I extend my hand to York, anticipating to feel the touch of his hands again.,

York reaches my hands with his welcoming smile. If it's only okay not to let it go, I won't. I badly miss him, yes, I miss my boyfriend.