"Are you ready?" Ozril appeared behind me as I'm getting my packed ready. He fetches his camping bag and walked ahead of me.

"I will be in a minute," I replied with a smile. I tuck mom's box inside my bag and carry it on my shoulder before leaving my room.

Mom was standing at the door waiting for me. "Why don't I go with you? I'll have to try. Maybe all I need to come back home."

"But mom, we had tried several times. You always ended up lost and back here." I feel worried for her. I don't want her to end up disappointed again.

"I won't stop trying. If it doesn't work this time, you will be bringing the box to your grandma. But what if it will? This will be my last chance to be with my mother and with you before I'll disappear in the thin air before I can finally get rest."

I hugged my mom, I'm both scared and worried for her, but she's a strong woman, the same strength and optimism she had shared with me.