"Sorry, I don't know why you have to make a cyborg, just to have a family when actually family includes an emotional attachment, it doesn't even matter if you are related or not as long as you are attached emotionally, and I doubt if a robot can give you that," I remarked.

"I didn't have a family!" His answer was short and on point, but I didn't expect that it would be a reason for him to stop talking with me.

He pushed himself with his chair away from the table and stood up. He hadn't even touched his food. Oh, what have I done? I was not only trying to be nosy but was I also hurting his feelings?

I abruptly stood up and followed him.

"Mister, Uhm, Zayn? I'm sorry if I had offended you." I was standing behind him, and as soon as he turned around to face me, I bowed my head, a symbol of respect and apology.

"That's one reason I prefer to have robots around me than humans," Zayn effused.