"This conversation will not go anywhere. You're thinking weird. You thought that I have power, which definitely is impossible." I explained, and I didn't realize that I had actually talked too much.

"Weird? Huh, I never was thinking anything about that why it seemed that you're weirder than I am," with the same squinty and smirking face.

Yes, Zayn, who had told me everything, which actually is kinda okay to know your story. However, that's not the only one I want to know from you. I want to know what the mass production of the cyborg is for? I want to know if my suspicion was right that the cyborgs are really coming from a true human, lIke Nada and himself.

Although, I won't need to ask him that since I'm not even sure if he will be willing to share that part of the information with me. If I really want my question to be answered, the only thing I can do is to investigate it myself.

We were about to go back to the house when Zayn's phone suddenly rang.