"Don't worry about it, and I was even glad and excited to see someone who will be wearing the queen's robe. Yes, I was sad, for a while because I suddenly missed her," York's eyes fell, and he was now staring on the floor.

"Queen's robe? Did you just say that this is your mother's?" I can feel my face burning, and I'm pretty sure it was all red now. My thin skin feels like it thickens with numbness. I feel like I was overpoured with shame that it can't take me down anymore.

"Yes, in fact, this is the favorite robe of my mother," although he was smiling while he was saying that, I am still not comfortable because I don't feel worthy of being wearing that. It was York's mom and most especially the queen. I don't want him to think that I'm making a mockery on it.

"Oh, I'm really, really sorry. If I can only run back to the chamber and change, I will do so," I made an excuse with my apologetic look.