The very next day, we started our journey to the world of barangan. Yes, we are ready to save Thea from being kidnapped. We moved out from the castle before the sun went out. My knights and I each pull ourselves winged horses. These horses will be our partners for the entire trip.

Even though our horses are winged and able to fly, we must not use them on air, for we will be traveling by land since we are planning to sneak into the barangan's kingdom. The last thing we wanted was for them to see us coming.

"We won't be wearing anything that would make us noticeable as the encantos," I said. I advised all my knights to wear something on their heads to hide the white hair and pointed ear. The first thing would let them identify us as the encantos, aside from me since I don't have white hair. However, I'm still wearing a hat to cover the tip of my very pointed ear so they won't notice me as an Encanto.