
Life is full of unwanted events, and no matter how hard we try to deflect them, they find a way to hit us straight where it hurts the most. Aiden's mysterious death was one such event for all of us. Some soldiers were walking and some were riding on their horses, but our hearts and mind were stuck on the unsolved mystery behind the prince's death. We were clueless and maybe a little hopeless. Our army had lost its commander even before the actual war began. A nation had lost its prince. How are they supposed to have the enthusiasm? The only way to bring back that lost zeal in them, was to prove that the enemies were behind their prince's murder. Somewhere we all knew it was their deed, but somewhere a question still lingered, was Wildfire really involved?

After travelling for over 4 hours without any stop we finally reached the main river, beyond which the Geonggi army was waiting for us. Ethan decided to stop here for the night and plan a new strategy, as now the commander was no more with us. The soldiers were putting up their tents and the cavalry was taking their places at the riverbank to keep an eye on the enemy activity. We were in a vulnerable position now, both in terms of strategy and in terms of position. Being in a new place, a place that is well versed to the enemy troops, we were all required to sleep with one eye open. Wildfire was tied to a tree and as ordered by Ethan; Wildfire was tied next to Aiden's tent. Even though Aiden was not with us anymore, no one wanted to feel the loss or maybe accept the reality yet.

"Hyun, Royal highness has asked for you.", Kim Mi So said. She was one of our higher-order soldiers, an expert archer. I nodded and gave her a faint smile. I left my half-done tent and walked towards Ethan's royal tent which was in the centre. I was planning to wait outside till the guards inform him of my arrival, but the moment I came into the view the guards stood at the side clearly indicating I am allowed to enter. I gave them a confused look asking am I really allowed, and they nodded their heads showing their approval. Inside the tent was the worst nightmare of mine, waiting patiently. I entered and before I could look for Ethan, my eyes interlocked with the one person I never imagined I would meet here.

The head was sitting right in front of me smirking at my shocked expressions. "I had no other option.", came a voice full of remorse from the corner. Ethan was standing there with his head hung low, looking at his sword. "No other options?", I asked exasperate at his decision. In this moment of crisis, he actually made such a foolish decision to call the actual villain? "Now let us not forget the hierarchy dear Hyun. Is this how you talk to the throned prince?", the head taunted. No matter how badly I wanted to kill him, he was right. We were in a public setting and I need to control my emotions. "I apologise for my sudden outburst your majesty.", I said with my head hung low. Ethan nodded and came and sat next to the head. "We are planning the strategy for the war, that will officially begin tomorrow with the sunrise. Prince Lee thought highly of you Hyun, so help us out.", Ethan said and pointed to the empty seat. I obediently took the seat next to him. "Your majesty we have more experienced soldiers of higher rank. We should consult them as well.", I suggested. "They are all useless. Just some pawns waiting to be ordered around. None of them has a brain of their own. We can tell them the plan and they will follow. That is how the troops work!", the head counterattacked my suggestion pretty aggressively. I nodded understanding I have no say, neither in this meeting nor in the building of strategy. We spent an hour coming up with the most ferocious war strategy and also handling our urges to kill the head then and there. After the plan was finalised, we thought of taking a break before explaining it to all the other soldiers. The head went to rest in his tent to rest.

"Are you out of your mind?", I finally yelled at him. "I told you we had no other choice!", he said. "Did you even think about other choices?", I asked. "Yes! I did.", he said and sat on the ground. "Wait! How did he even come here this fast?", I asked. The head was supposed to be in the palace rotting in the prison. How could he come here this fast? I saw Ethan trying to avoid making eye contact. "And how did he agree on accepting you as the throned prince?", I kept another unanswered question in front of him. "He knows!", Ethan whispered. "What?", I said sitting close to him. "I said he knows!", he finally spoke up. "Knows what?", I asked petrified now. I just wished what the head knows is different from what I was anticipating. "He knows I am not the prince.", he finally gave an honest answer. I was in shock. "Were you this scared that you revealed your identity?", I asked disappointed in him. The cowardice he showed was beyond my imagination. "You sold of our identities as well?", I continued. "No! He just knows I am not the throned prince. He doesn't know anything about Macy and Aiden.", he said. "How is that possible?", I was curious. "He said one night a lady with mesmerising white hair took him to the garden of truth and showed him my real face.", Ethan said. A lady with white hair? Garden of truth? When I thought about white hair, realisation dawned upon me. "Fate?", I asked Ethan. He nodded. To say I was shocked would be an understatement. What was she up to? "She never does anything like this.", Ethan said. He was as confused as me. "I don't know about earlier, but the turnout of events has made it clear, Fate is not on our side.", I pointed out. Ethan nodded. "And when we know we are fighting against someone this powerful, do you think bringing the head was the right thing to do?", I asked. He just looked down. "I don't know what is right anymore. But why is Aiden not here with us? He didn't even come to meet us once!", Ethan said. "I am thinking about it all the time. Why is he not back yet?", I said looking at the ground, feeling the emptiness inside of me. "Will the head stay quiet about you not being the true prince?", I asked. "If I let him take back his position as the commander, he promised he will stay shut about it.", Ethan said. I nodded. We were both quiet now, a lot of questions lingering unanswered, troubling us. I searched my sleeve for the most precious possession I held at the moment, Aiden's necklace! I thought it was the right thing to share with Ethan. I took the necklace out and showed it to him. "I found this near Aiden's bed this morning.", I said. He looked up and saw the necklace in my hands. "Wait! You found his era charm?", he asked all shocked. "Era charm?", I was confused. Ethan ignored my question and took the necklace in his hands. A smile crept on his face as he recognised the pendant. "What is it?", I asked. "Aiden is alive!", he said now laughing and holding the necklace close to his forehead. "What?", I hoped it was true but I was also confused. "This is an era charm. It holds the magical power to make us a character in a particular era. And till the time this charm stays here, the character stays here alive.", he answered looking at my confused face. "So, you mean to say that Aiden is alive?", I asked. Ethan nodded smiling brightly. I felt butterflies take flight in my stomach and my heart was elated. "But if he is alive, where is he? And why did that dead body have his essence?", I asked. Ethan shrugged, clearly showing that even with this good news our lives took a turn towards the events which were still a mystery to us.