Jennifer Walter meet Mat Murdock (Lawyer meet Lawyer)

January 25th, 2014

Later that night, I had X hack into any cameras or satellites nearby, only to find out that there had been a convenient section on the street that not only had no cameras pointed at it, but was also a blind spot to satellites for just exactly the amount of time needed for them to disappear. I stayed in my apartment all night, wondering if meeting them had been just a dream. When I fell asleep, I'd convinced myself of that. But the next morning, in my jeans from that night, I found something.

A drawing in gray charcoal, stretched in the style of old-school comics, of Stan and Joan dressed in casual clothing, pointing outward together with a happy smile on their faces.

"Jarvis," I asked, looking at the picture as a strange feeling filled me. Bittersweet, maybe? "Did anyone enter my room while I slept?"

"No sir," Jarvis replied over the speakers in my room. I could almost feel his cameras focusing on me. After a bit of silence, he spoke once more. "There is no record of unauthorized entry into your room or the tower."

I held up the picture, reading the word bubble between Stan and Joan. "Excelsior..."

"A word that could be said to mean 'ever upward'?" Jarvis asked. "Is there some significance to that, sir?"

"It means everything," I placed the picture gently on my desk. "Please, order a picture frame for this, Jarvis."

"Already done, sir."

"Thank you," I looked at the drawing. I didn't know what it meant entirely. If Stan giving me this picture was a sign of his approval of me or some sort of reminder of just what I was involved in. But I'd take it as a reminder. Excelsior. Ever upward, always improving, always getting better.

"...Jarvis. Please let me know if you ever see someone like this on your radar."

"It isn't exactly, radar, per se," Jarvis said as I walked towards my room door. "May I ask who it is?"

"Someone very important to me, and arguably everyone else... if he ever ends up in danger, for any reason, no matter what I'm doing, let me know, as a top priority."

Excelsior. A reminder to always improve, maybe, to be better every day? ...I'd take that to heart.

I squared my shoulders and entered into a new day.

...Before running back into my apartment because I'd forgotten to brush my teeth.

A couple of hours later, after food and a shower, I was standing inside of Jennifer's room in the Tower with Bruce, both of us waiting outside of a closed door as she changed in her bedroom. I was wearing a gray shirt with Hawkeye's symbol, a purple arrowhead, emblazoned across it, while Bruce had on a button shirt with its sleeves rolled up.

"You know women taking a long time to get changed is a giant stereotype, right!?" I yelled through the door jokingly.

"Hey, don't blame me!" Jen called back, chuckling as the sound of rummaging came from inside.

"I still need to go shopping, I can't just keep asking Stark's people to tailor me new stuff all the time or give me the extra large shirts from the Avengers merchandise."

"You know, we could just bring them to us," Bruce offered hesitantly. "You don't have to walk over there."

"I want to make an impression, Bruce!"

I blinked. "You're seven feet tall, green, built as hell, and one of the most beautiful women in the world. You'd make an impression in a paper bag."

Bruce gave me an odd look. Jen laughed, a simple and very smoky laugh. "Only one of the most beautiful?"

I gulped. "Uh, in my defense, you'd be in most people's top five?"

"Including yours?" she teased.

"Uhhhhhh," Shit. I looked at Bruce and whispered. "I'm in too deep. Help!"

"You're on your own," he hissed back.

The door opened then. Bruce and I stepped back to take a look at Jennifer Walters as she smiled brightly at us, emerald lips quirking.

"So, what do you think?" She twirled on a single heel, a pair of black high heels that further elevated her height. Her hair was pulled back into a bun, and she wore a black business skirt, a white shirt, and a black jacket on top. A pair of glasses rested on her face as she came to a stop.

"Looking good," I gave her a thumbs up and a smile.

"You look amazing," Bruce said, sounding as proud as could be. Then he frowned. "I thought you had perfect vision."

"Oh, I do," Jen pulled the glasses down slightly to look at us with a smirk. "But I look good in these."

With that, she took me by the arm and pulled me along as I yelped in surprise. "Later Bruce! See you tonight!"

"Let me go!" I shouted, my feet dangling off the ground as the superhuman dragged me along.

"Jen, wait!"

"No time," she ran out the door, pretty much carrying me. "Come on!"

"Bruce, help me damn you!" I panicked, trying to shake my way out of her grip. "Jen, let me down!"

"Come home safe!" Bruce shouted after us clearly fighting off laughter.

"Woman, I will go Four Arms and beat you silly!" I shouted, trying to understand when the hell Jen had decided to start a comedic routine staring me as the beleaguered idiot.

"Go ahead, it's been a while," she said offhandedly. As she pulled me into the elevator and turned to give Bruce a smile and a wave. "See ya, cuz!"

He gave us a wave in return as the doors closed.

Matt Murdock/Daredevil

"Will you look at this place!?" Foggy called happily as he walked around the space of his new office. "Man, I told you this was a good idea! Matt, I have an oak desk! Smell my desk! Smell it's money!"

Matt laughed, pretending to hesitantly stride in through Foggy's office door. "I'll, uh, I'll pass Foggy. How's it look?"

In truth, Matt already had some idea. With Mahmoud's first check and the aid of Stark Industries, they'd not only been able to find an excellent office in Hell's Kitchen but even have it completely renovated. While the smell of new paint and electronic equipment was annoying, the scent of the new wooden shelves and tables, as well as the fully stocked mini fridges full of snacks, made Matt want to take a good deep breath of air. The blind warrior had managed to get a sense for the size of the rooms of well. Three offices, a waiting room/lobby, and a small reception area. Amazing.

"Matt," Foggy said seriously. Of course, his heartbeat told Matt he was still happy. "We have an office. A real one. With desks, and fancy placards."

"One for you and I?" Matt asked, already knowing the answer.

"Well, three of them," Foggy admitted. "I think it's for that extra person he asked us to work with. Actually, they should be here in an hour."

Matt blinked as the sounds of footsteps coming towards their door came from the hallway. He didn't show it on his face, but he listened closely. One was Mahmoud, his footsteps loud as always. A single sniff brought that odd scent that always hung around the young man, as though he was constantly covered in the scents of odd animals. Which made sense, Matt supposed.

The other person was a woman. A very heavy, very tall woman. And there was something… strange around her, something that buzzed at the edges of his senses.

Mahmoud opened the door.

"Foggy, Matt!?" he called immediately. "Sorry, we're early!"

"No problem," Foggy said, smiling, heading out of his office to enter the lobby. "I was just-ghuk."

Matt smirked at the sound of Foggy's heart skipping a beat.

Foggy Nelson/Currently In Love

God existed. That was the only answer. Foggy just stopped thinking for about eight seconds. He just stared at her. No. HER.

Tall, like seven feet. Long legs, long greenish black hair, and so, just, seriously, her curves were... Wait, what the hell? Green skin?

Foggy's thoughts regenerated. "Green."

Yeah, he needed some more time.

"That I am," the woman before him smiled beautifully. "Hi! I'm Jennifer Walters."

Foggy blushed, smiling good-naturedly. "Hi, Jennifer. I'm currently embarrassed as hell."

Jen laughed. "It's okay, I've been getting that reaction!"

'I'll bet,' Foggy thought to himself. He held out a hand. "I'm Foggy Nelson."

"Foggy?" Jennifer asked, confused. She still took his hand.

"It's what I go by," he said easily.

"Foggy... alright," Jen looked at Matt. "And you are?"

"Oh, I'm uh, I'm Matt Murdock," Matt said, clutching to his cane.

Jen held out her hand to him. Foggy winced when Matt simply stood there, not seeing the hand.

Then Mahmoud stepped forward and pushed down Jen's hand. "So, as I said before. This is Jen Walters. A Gamma-enhanced individual, with superhuman strength and durability, and a very awesome track record as a practicing lawyer in LA."

"You certainly are impressive," Foggy said with a grin. Then he realized something. "Wait, 'gamma'? Like, uh, like the Hulk?"

"Yeah," Jen said. "He's my cousin."

"...Oh," Foggy blinked. For just a moment, an image in his head of a giant green muscle man about to turn him into Foggy Jelly for hitting on his cousin filled Foggy's mind.

"Well, I'll leave you guys to talk," Mahmoud said, giving Matt a nod. Foggy managed some amusement at that. Mahmoud, despite knowing Matt was blind, still couldn't help the little motions that sighted people did without realizing. "See ya," with that, Mahmoud turned and left out the way they came in.

"So, let's talk," Jen said, pulling out some files from a case on her shoulder. "I believe the idea was that I could work with you guys on cases, correct?"

"Well, yes. But uh," Foggy frowned. "I've looked up your record, and honestly. You're good. Seriously, you were on track to partner at your law firm one day! We haven't even gotten a case yet."

"Fine by me," Jen said, looking around. "My priorities have shifted a bit. I'm probably going to spend more time as an Avenger than a lawyer. But I still want to help people the way I used to."

"Huh. Yeah, I can respect that," Foggy looked around as well. "So uh, we do have that office for you over there. Mini fridges if you want food, and such. I can show you around if you want?"

"Nah, I got it," Jen looked over at Matt, then at Foggy. "Well. Here's to working together."

"Hell yeah! Can't wait to work with you!" Foggy said with a silly grin as Jen walked into her new office. He ignored Matt's chuckle.

"Foggy, you're coming off pretty strong," Matt said with a shake of his head.

"Well, I think I'm a little massively out of my league," Foggy admitted. Then he thought for a moment. "I mean, I'm out of her league. Seriously, be glad you're blind, she looks like a horror show, basically just her cousin in female form, kinda gross to be hones-."

"You know, I can hear you!" Jen called cheerily from her new office.

Matt laughed as Foggy gaped.

Well, what did Matt know about women anyway? Except for that Greek chick. And the redhead. And the blonde. And Amy. And Carol. And that paralegal. And...