Thor and warrior three

May 18, 2014

Mahmoud Schahed/Dial

Before May 18th, the day I headed to the Savage Lands, I spent time with my friends. I managed to get a lot done in the days before, staring with meeting with Sif and the Warriors Three.

May 16, 2014

The best part of having the Omnitrix in New York is how easy it is to travel around the big city. I tended to try and get creative when I traveled sometimes. Going out as Astrodactyl, shift into Big Chill to go through a building, Snare-Oh for a web-slinging, running as Fasttrack through the streets and subways, Goop to dive through tight spaces, Wildmutt or Blitzwolfer to run on all fours, then Feedback to ride on power lines. Any combination of those tended to make trips through the city a blast.

That day, I went the boring route and just jetted my way to the docks, Thor and Fantasma in close pursuit.

In a burst of green starlight, I landed in Astrodactyl form and watched Thor and Fantasma land with a smug grin on my face. "Squawk! I win!"

Thor scowled. "Only because you cheated!"

"If you ain't cheating, you ain't trying, squawk!" I chortled in my weird alien pterodactyl voice.

Fantasma, meanwhile, was eyeing me strangely. "This form is very odd. How many do you have altogether?"

I stopped laughing to think about that. A boat far in the distance honked its horn, and the smell of water and general grossness of the Hudson River filled my nose.

"Hmm. I have Astrodactyl," I gestured to myself. "Then there's Diamondhead, Big Chill, Four Arms, Wildmutt, Blitzwolfer, Swampfire, Goop, NRG, Upgrade, Rath, Jury Rigg, Frankenstrike, Feedback, Blight, Grendel, … Huh. Who am I forgetting?"

For some reason, Thor looked almost offended. He went to say something, only for the lightbulb in my head to ding. "Oh yeah!" Thor smiled, apparently pleased. "Fasttrack! Can't believe I forgot about him."

Thor stared at me like I'd killed his child. "What about Sandrass?!"

I frowned. "I mean… he doesn't really count?"

"Doesn't count?!"

"You said that if I turned into him he might turn New York City into a desert?!"

"He still counts!" Thor argued.

Fantasma stared at me, then at Thor. "Is that form truly so powerful?"

"Absolutely," Thor said.

"Kinda," I said.

We shared a look. Thor glared before sighing. "Well… it has problems right now."

"It's my Asgardian form," I explained softly. "He has the power to control sand… we think?"

"You think?" Fantasma crossed her arms and gave me a look, the kind Nat and Jen did when they were trying to figure out if I was being ridiculous on purpose.

"Well, it's kinda up in the air right now," I said with a shrug. "Whenever I turn into him, he feels like my most powerful form. But then he just sort of… overpowers? I don't know, it's like he gets so strong it ends up collapsing in on itself, Squawk!"

I thought back on that. Sandrass was insanely useful in the few sessions I'd had to test him out. He was basically Gaara from Naturo, having the power to crush with huge waves of sand or slice opponents with small grains that tore through the ballistic gel bodies we'd had used for testing with the same force as a .50 CAL rifle bullet. In other words, an easy kill shot. A terrifying idea overall.

The only problem, as I'd told Fantasma, was that he seemed to be testy when it came to how long he could be used. I often ended up only using him for around two minutes. Plus, Thor was nervous about the form. It shouldn't technically exist, which I figured was a point to Azmuth and his badass scientific genius.

"At least have respect for the form you gained from me," Thor grumbled.

"I do respect it. But it's hard to count it as a form when you keep having me promise to not use it," I grumbled. "Seriously, I just want to Sabaku Kyū a dude once," I said, referencing the signature move of Gaara the badass Naruto ninja. Well, I wouldn't be squeezing a guy to death like a melon of course, but still...

Thor crossed his massive arms. "I understand. Were I to have access to immense power, yet was told not to use it, I would also be annoyed. But I want to have my father or his experts speak with you first. A new Asgardian of such power should at least be examined. A human becoming a god doesn't happen every day."

The devout Muslim in me kinda winced at that but I was able to focus on the real issues. "Fine, fine. Just let me know as soon as I can visit Asgard. I want to take selfies in front of the Destroyer Armor."

The God of Thunder seemed irritated for some reason, glaring at me. I grinned. "I'm kidding. Kinda."

Fantasma chuckled lightly, while Thor seemed to be hiding a smile as well. "Yes, well… That armor has caused me quite a bit of trouble before, so I don't mind the idea so much."

"Is it magical in nature?" Fantasma asked. "I'm self-taught so I've been curious about how magic is used in other cultures."

Thor opened his mouth and closed it while seeming a bit sheepish. "It… might be? My father never told me. And I have never been one for the mystical arts. My mother was raised by witches but I did not learn anything about it from her… I regret that sometimes."

The last was said with a quick and sad smile. Fantasma and I stood there silently. I thought of my mother, a kind, if quick-tempered, a woman who worked way too hard for her family. I missed her. I would have given anything to hug her again. Same with the rest of my family.

Fantasma spoke then. "I never really had that sort of thing. I was always alone…"

Thor stepped forward after a quiet moment and clasped her shoulder, giving her a kind smile. "You are not anymore. I can promise you that. And I will try to find a way to aid you with your magic… Dark as it is," he frowned. "I must say, it is rather incredible that you can use such corrupting spells without being mutated or having your soul destroyed."

Fantasma chuckled, purple eyes flashing with dark humor. "Chernobog says that too. Even if he's vaguely unhelpful all the time," she scowled. "He either makes fun of me or gives me too much information."

"That doesn't surprise me," Thor said with a growling tone to his voice.

"Dude, what the hell happened between you two?" I asked with an arched eyebrow. "I mean, this isn't just hero vs villain god-type hate, you guys sound like you have real beef."

Thor and Fantasma stared at me blankly.

"...Beef?" Fantasma asked. Thor, looking just as confused.

"Bad history."

"Ah," Thor frowned. "That is… a long story. Involving a place now known as Svalbard and that monstrous 'god'. I'll tell it to you, but not until I am roaring drunk."

He didn't say it funnily. Thor sounded tired. Like he'd been through hell and just wanted to rest afterward.

I forget sometimes that Thor wasn't just a badass and fun friend of mine. He's an ancient being who has walked along with mortals for millennia, fought beings that would have left me shattered before the Omnitrix, an old and powerful man who was once revered for his power. He was a man with a history.

I could see it now, in the way he smiled without his eyes crinkling in happiness, the set in his shoulders. It didn't last long though. Just about as long as a lightning bolt. Then he straightened up and smiled.

"Nevertheless, I will bring you to Asgard soon, Mahmoud! It will be glorious!" He wrapped an arm around my shoulders and pulled me in, which was always funny to have happen. He was awesome but there was a reason Thor/Dial smut kept getting sent to me, considering how affectionate Thor was at times. Which I was saving in a folder with the rest for the day I wanted to share some laughs with the team. The weirdest of them involving the alien forms and creative use of powers of course.

"That sounds awesome, man," I said with an honest grin. He made that promise all the time, and he was sincere every single time.

"And you, Lady Fantasma!" Thor wrapped an arm around Fantasma's shoulders as well. "I will request to have some of my old magical texts given to me," his voice became more solemn. "I may not have any knowledge of magic myself but it may be that my old school books may aid you in your own magic."

Fantasma's eyes lit up and she seemed to positively quiver with happiness. "Really! That would be incredible, Thor!"

"They usually call him 'Mighty', not 'Incredible'. That belongs to someone else." I snarked.

Fantasma gave me a mock glare.

"Ah, she has arrived!" Thor said, pointing in the distance at a ship.

With my alien eyesight, I could easily see just what he was… talking… about...

I stared up at the boat in front of me as it came into view.

It had been a yacht. A big ass yacht. Probably a very nice yacht once, those kinds that had four floors. This one had been through hell though. The entire ship had dents, scratches, and tears across the surface, around half of the windows were boarded up, and the crewmembers, despite all grinning, had cuts and bruises everywhere.

The boat came in as Lady Sif stepped out of the cabin to smile down at us. "Greetings!"

"Squawk!" I said wide-eyed. "Sif, what the heck happened?"

"We went treasure hunting!" one of the passengers squeaked. A tiny peroxide blonde woman, she lifted a golden necklace over her head proudly, getting a savage grin from Sif.

The boat was tied to the dock and the passengers started coming off with Sif coming off first.

"I thought it was her week off," I mumbled to Thor as I watched passengers carrying gold and what looked like pieces of meat from sea animals off with them. Seriously, her day off and she'd gone on a crazy-ass adventure? Most people would have fun, but this seemed a little next level. Dayum.

Thor nodded. "Yes. I keep telling her to relax..."

I recoiled to turn my pterodactyl sight towards him. He was serious. Man, Vikings don't fuck around when it comes to partying.

"Friends!" Volstagg's voice drew our attention. The massive man was striding towards us with a wide grin, followed by Fandral and Hogun. The Warriors Three were dressed in their usual, which mean that, combined with the beat-up ship and the proudly grinning rich kids and alien superhumans, we drew a lot of attention.

"Sup, Squawk!" I said with a wave.

"Greetings," Fantasma bowed slightly.

Thor stepped forward with wide arms and a wider smile. "My friends! All together once more!" Sif stepped off the ship to finish her goodbyes to her… friends? Hostages? Partners-in-loot? "So, where shall we start?!" the Mighty Thor said bombastically.

"To greet this lovely thing, obviously," Fandral stepped forward, eyes alight at the sight of Fantasma. He bowed graciously. "My lady, where was Thor hiding such ravishing beauty? Truly, you are the reason men must wish to come to Midgard. For if I had known of your existence, I would have fought my way through Muselpheim to-"

"Dude," I said dryly. "Tone it back a step. Her dad is a grizzly bear."

Fandral scowled at me, while Hogun smirked behind him. Fantasma was grinning. Guess she thought he was funny, which… yeah, Fandral was fun.

"Food!" Volstagg said with relish. "The food on Midgard has become quite delicious! I wish to sample more of it!"

"You'd sample it even if it wasn't delicious," Fandral scoffed.

"I-!" Volstagg began to say, only to stop. He rubbed at his fiery red beard with a mumble. "Well, I'd be a lot less eager."

Thor barked out a laugh while Sif joined. "Very well! Come, friends! To the nearest dining establishment!"

So yeah, we went out to eat. Nothing crazy happened, which was nice if a bit boring. We went to Denny's to eat more pancakes than anyone ever had, the combination of five Asgardians and a witch who used calories to fuel a lot of spells causing real damage to the food supply there. I ate normally until I decided to cheat with the Omnitrix, switching from Wildmutt, to Four Arms, to Rath. Combined with the people taking pictures and the Warriors Three destroying mugs every time they wanted more coffee, we had a good time before getting asked to leave. When I got back to the tower though, I had a different experience that was interesting for its own reasons