Von and Eli decided to take a stop beside the river to drink some water and to refill their water bottle. At the middle of the river, there are two children that looks like they are searching for something.
"Hey, what are you guys looking for?" Von asked to the two kids.
The two kids looked at each other, confused if Von was talking to them. When the boy pointed himself, Von nodded to confirm that she is indeed referring to them.
"Uhm... Something special for the both of us" the boy answered.
Von just nodded as a response. She continued to drink some water. She even splash some water on her face to feel more refresh. While Eli was busy refilling their water bottles.
When Von and Eli was done, she checked the kids again. Since she feel bored and was in a good mood, she thought to help the two.
"Let me help. What does it look like?" Von asked.
"It's a ring" the little girl answered.
Von was about to help them search when the necklace that was hanging on the girl's neck caught her attention. She noticed that the ring were attached on the necklace. Von couldn't help but to shake her head in disappointment.
"Could it be the ring has a S-shape on it?"
The kids' shocked face were apparent. It looked like Von was right on her guess. She just smiled to the both of them after receiving such reaction.
"I changed my mind. You could look for yourselves" Von said before she left the two of them.
The boy got irritated with Von's action, while the girl was confused.
Eli watched how Von was walking toward his direction.
"Let's go" Von said.
"What happened?" Eli asked.
Von turned her head to look at the two kids. She chuckled while watching them. "Those two kids are looking for a ring. It seems it's special for the both of them"
"Let's help them!" Eli immediately said.
"Nah. I don't feel like spoiling the things that the both of them should realize" Von replied before yawning.
"You could help them though. It might be also a lesson for you. I'll be sleeping for a while. The moment I wake up, we'll leave" Von continued before finding a good stop to sleep.
Just like what Von said, Eli did help the two kids. But Eli was still left confused with what Von said.
Many hours have passed and they still haven't found the ring. Von has already been awake earlier, but she watched the three search for a while. But when she found that watching them was no longer fun, she called Eli.
"Eli, let's go!"
Eli sighed, feeling down that they haven't found the ring. He said his sorry for the two kids for not being able to find it.
Eli meet up with Von. Both of them went for their next adventure. While they were walking, Eli suddenly remembered the words that Von said which left him curious.
"By the way, what did you mean by earlier?"
"Huh?" Von asked. But she then understood what Eli was pertaining to.
"You need to figure out that by yourself, Eli. It seems like you are still like those kids. Don't think too much about something. Sometimes, the most complicated ones are the most easiest one"
"What?" Eli became more confused.
Von laughed at Eli's innocence.