Lying is not a Sin


A young child, who has a name Farell, lives in a small poor town. She lives there as far as she remembers. There, she learned that in order to survive you need to do everything you can.

Literally, everything.

When she was four years old, Farell gapes at the kids who stole a bread at the man's store. She guessed that they were a year older than her.

The owner of the store didn't noticed the crime, but one kid showed up and told the man what happened. She even pointed out where the other kids went.

As the man chases the kids, the girl steals more bread than the other kids. She even smirked before leaving.

Farell heard the girl whispered before leaving the scene, "That's what you get for believing my plan, fools."

Farell was lost in thoughts. Farell believes that the scene she just saw was the most amazing thing. It was beautiful in her eyes. She realized that what those kids did was the most basic thing everyone must learn in order to survive.

The town that Farell lives is a tourist spot, but it is also not that common to see people to visit their town despite of having an attractive place. It must be because it is located at a secluded spot. That is why when an adventurer happens to pass by, people in the town starts to compete for that person.

Each of them have a something on their sleeves. May it be advertising, giving promos, seducing the customer or even ruining the other's stores.

But Farell didn't think as how the others think. She uses her skills by gaining their trust and manipulating the people. Farell does not need products, she just need human who can give or bring her money.


One morning came, Farell saw an adventurer who was swinging a sword. Farell immediately thought of a plan.

She immediately went to where her comrades were and told them the plan she thought of.

"What will be the made-up name of the guy that is supposed to do the kidnapping?" One of her comrade asked.

Farell thought about it when she mindlessly uttered, "Esperanza"

When she told that name, an image flashed in her mind. It was a blurry image but it was familiar to her. That is when Farell realized that it was a memory of hers when she was still young. From that fragment of memory of hers, there was a silhouette of a guy that was helping her when she was a child. She just couldn't remember when, how, or why that even happened.

Even if she tried to think about it, she couldn't find any answers. She just tried to forget about it since she just needs to focus on the plan that is about to commence.

Every plan that Farell think of usually works out. But Farell didn't expect that the plan won't work the way she wanted to this time.

Farell watched how her companion talked to the adventurer at a hidden spot.

"S-sir, please help us." the little boy asked for help in a trembling voice. It was noticeable how nervous the kid was.

The two adventurer stopped from munching their food as they turned their head to the child who spoke.

"Why? What happened?"

"There's a guy who kidnapped our friend. He told us that in order to release him we should give him some money but we don't have one. He only gave us until night time to find some money. If we weren't able to give him some money, he'll kill our friend" the little girl explained.

"Von? What do you think?" the adventurer asked to her friend. The person who was called as 'Von" didn't respond but only observed the kids.

When the little boy noticed that Von remained unfazed, he spoke again to convince them. "Please show some mercy and help us!"

Von finished eating her food before she stood up. She blankly stared at the kids. "What do you want us to do?"

Von's companion smiled at her words. "You're too nice, Von."

"I-if you have some money…" the little girl whispered but it was enough for the two adventurer to hear it.

The other adventurer gaped before he laughed. "Ahahaha! Sorry, but we also don't have any mo---"

"Okay, how much?" Von cuts her friend's word and asked.

"Von are you serious?!"

"Shut up, Eli."

Farell smiled hearing their conversation. It's all going under her plan, or so she thought.

"50 gold" the little girl answered.

"That's too big" Eli said as he laugh, starting to doubt the two kids.

The little girl bit her lower lips.

Von just observed the two before she spoke again. "Do you know the name of the kidnapper?"

The boy nodded, "Esperanza"

The little girl blinked and a second later she got stunned when she saw that her friend, who was beside her, was now unconscious on the ground. She was not sure if he was dead or not. But the dagger that pierced through the boy's chest was visible to her eyes. The blood she is now seeing is obviously real as well.

The little girl gulped.

"T-thank you, good sir! He has been forcing me to do stuff like this. He said that this is the fastest way to get some money. He even threatened me that if I don't----" The little girl stopped from babbling her excuse when she saw Von's emotionless eyes. It was obvious that these two adventurer only thought of them as a nuisance from the start and only wanted them to just leave them alone, that's why they entertain their lies. Those two adventurer already knew from the start that they were only tricking them!

But Von's eyes and mood totally changed just from mentioning a made-up name they've thought!

Von went closer where the little girl was. The girl's feet was frozen on the ground due to her fear. When Von was close enough, she bent down to match the girl's face.

"Don't ever use Esperanza's name for stupid plan like this, do you got me?" Von warned them, which made the girl to nod quickly.

"Eli, heal the boy" Von ordered to her friend as she stood up. Eli immediately followed her order.

"The show is over. Now, show yourself." Von said as she looked at a certain spot.

Farell closes her eyes tightly. She breathe deeply to calm herself before showing herself up. Farell smiled to Von and Eli. She bowed as she introduces herself. "It's unfortunate that we have to meet in a way like this. My name is Farell from the town near here. To pay you for this, let me help you show the exit from this place. I've noticed earlier that you were seem lost"

Farell got even more nervous when Von didn't speak. It was if she was waiting for her to explain. Farell just hides her nervousness by smiling. "Even if I explain, I don't think you'd believe me. Am I right?"

Von ignored Farell question. "Who are these two?"

"I don't know them." Farell lied with a straight face as she shrug. The little girl was shocked how Farell easily betrayed them, but Farell could careless about them. She have to save herself first.

"I see." Von nodded even if she knew that Farell was obviously lying.

Von sighed before turning her head was to look at Eli who was done curing the little boy. She nodded at him, while Eli stared at her back and was worried about her.

"Show the way." Von told Farell.

Farell smiled, "This way"

Von and Eli followed Farell. As they walk, Von carefully observed Farell's actions but she didn't show any suspicious movement.

The two adventurer arrived at the main road with Farell's help. Eli thanked Farell, while Von only stared at them.

When Farell felt that Von doesn't have anything else to say to her, she turned her back to return on their own town. But she stopped when Von suddenly asked her a question.

"Why did you lie?"

Farell confusedly looked at Von. She chuckled at her question as if what Von asked was something so ridiculous.

"Why do you ask that as if its not a normal thing to do?" Farell sarcastically asked in return. She smirked when Von didn't respond.

"Everyone lies! You also lie sometimes, don't you? So what's the difference of us lying in this kind of manner from how you lie?" she continued.

Farell didn't wait for Von's answer as she immediately walked away from them. She clicked her tongue in irritation.