Unheard Wish


Von doesn't really want to meet up with Esperanza. She knows that her older brother probably sent an order to Esperanza that has something to do with her. Besides, it'll be troublesome to be with Esperanza.

But since she heard about the situation of Giya and Keya, she might as well meet up with Esperanza than go back to the palace. This is also a perfect excuse so that Eli will not feel guilty.

As she have said earlier, she indeed received a letter from Esperanza. The letter just states that they should meet at that place. At first, Von was confused about what that place was but she later on figured it out. It's a place where both of them only know.

"A-are you sure, Von?" Eli asked again to confirm after he processed what's going on.

Von smiled, "Yes. We will just meet up, what's the harm with that? After you safely accompany Giya and Keya, let's meet up again. I'll send a letter by then"

Eli sighed in defeat. He knows that once Von made up her mind he won't be able to stop her. Eli doesn't have any idea why Esperanza sent a letter that is why he worries about Von.

"Go and take a rest, we will leave early tomorrow." Von said as she continue to sharp her dagger.


Von, Eli, Giya and Keya left the village before the sunrise. Von is walking beside Eli who turned into a horse to let Giya and Keya ride on him.

"Are you two fine? Tell me if you feel uncomfortable or if there's something wrong. I could try to use some magic, although it might not help that much" Von said to Giya.

Giya gave Von a smile, "Thank you, young man"

Eli tried to not to laugh. It's not new to Von to be mistook as a guy, since she's dressed up like a guy and even tried to tie her long hair as a guy. Even her adventurer name sounds like a name for a guy. Von doesn't mind it either, and she's used to it.

Eli is also used to it, but he just want to laugh out loud whenever he hears someone says that Von is a man.

"Eli, as far as I remember there's a small hidden shrine before the foot of the mountain. Let's look for that place and pray that you'll arrive at your destination safely" Von suggested.

Eli neighs as he agree to Von.


When they arrived at the shrine, they noticed that an old man was there praying. He was even crying while praying.

"That's the mayor of the village" Giya said as she notice the old man.

"What's he doing here? I didn't know that he'd be able to go this far despite of the curse?" Eli asked.

"He went missing one year ago after he settled that matters in the village and after he pleaded for forgiveness from the people. I also didn't know that he is just here" Giya answered.

Giya and Keya hopped down from Eli's back. Eli transformed back to human form before the four of them walk beside the old man to say their prayers.

They were in the middle of praying when Von heard the old man talk. She looked at the old man beside him. He was in a pitiful state.

"Are you an adventurer?" The old man asked.

"I am, why?" Von asked back.

The old man shook his head, "Nothing. I was just surprised that an adventurer will come visit this shrine to pray. As far as I know, most of the adventurer don't worship gods"

Von smiled, "Well, that depends on the person. Most of the adventurer wants to believe on their own strength than rely on someone after all. Adventurer mostly encounters life and death situation and they could only depend on themselves"

"Then, why are you praying to gods when you know that you could only depend on yourself?" The old man can't help but to ask.

Von sighs, "I told you, it depends on the person. I mean, what's wrong on relying to someone? I don't think that you could survive in this world by your own. Even if gods are not real, just knowing that you could rely on someone is already reassuring."

The old man gave her a confused look.

"What were you praying?" Von changed the topic instead.

"I asked the gods why they let me and the village suffer. I worship the gods ever since I was a child. The only thing I truly wish for was the kingdom's destruction and for me to rule the kingdom. If I rule the kingdom, no one will suffer"

Von can't help but to laugh at the old man's answer. "What are you laughing at?!" the old man asked irritably.

"How sure were you that no one will suffer when you rule the kingdom? You are the one cursing the kingdom to get destroyed! You're saying something a hypocrite person will say" Von continued to laugh at the old man's foolishness.

The old man glared at the young woman. "You're the one who's a hypocrite!"

Von smirked. "I heard you plead for forgiveness from the people that you caused harm? Was that only for a show? It doesn't seems like you even regret what you've done. I don't think the gods are punishing you enough"

"That is why, I am always praying here in the shrine to show the gods that I regret my decisions! I know they'll show mercy on me! Once, they forgive me I'll once again ask for their help to fulfill my wish"

Von realized that whatever she says to this old man it'll be hopeless. She just shook her head as she pity on the old man.

"Just one last advice, cursing and wishing are different. I just hope you live the rest of your life with no more regrets" Von said before she left the old man.

Eli, Giya and Keya followed Von who were silently listening to their conversation.