Humans are Animals


Inside of a small town, a young girl who are most likely at the age of 10 years old were running away from who knows who. She was wearing tattered old clothes. Anyone could tell that she came from a poor family.

Tears could be seen falling from her eyes as she run. She look around to find a place to hide. As she ran farther she finally saw an old and abandoned house. She already barged in without even thinking if there's someone inside.

She sighs when she finally locked the door. She stared at the door for a little amount of time before she fell on her knees. She cried trying hard not to let any sound to be heard, but it still doesn't stops her from whimpering.

The words that she heard earlier was still fresh from her memory. The pain that she felt was still visible on her body. She remembers how her parents sold her to an old man. She remembers how they laugh and smile when she got sold. She remembers how that old man treated her. She remembers them that makes her want to puke in disgust! She remembers them that makes her tremble in fear. She remembers them all clearly!

She tightly closed her eyes as the memories flashed through her mind.


"That child has finally some use to us. Can you imagine this? That old man was willing to give us 3 gold just for that child!", was the words she accidentally heard.


The woman who were referred as "mom" furrowed her brows as she saw the young child. "What the hell is she still doing here? I thought Feira was already been bought by that old man?!" asked by the mom as she pointed at the young child.

"She was indeed. Although, I heard that the old man will get her tomorrow morning" said by a man's voice.

"tsk" the woman said in annoyance.

She glared at the young child. "You better perform well tomorrow and give a good impression to that old man. So that the 3 gold that he spent won't go to waste! Don't worry, all you have to do is give him pleasure" the woman said as she curled her lips into a sneer.

Even though the child was too young and doesn't know what "pleasure" means, she could roughly guess that it's not a good thing for her.

Feira cried and whined at her mother but she doesn't know that this would endanger her.

Feira eyes went wide as her mother slapped her. The slap was too hard that the handprint was visible on her face. She doesn't know that by simply crying would make her mother more irritated. She cried louder and this made her mother more annoyed.

"What are you crying for?! You should be thankful for being useful to us! Be thankful that there was someone that was willing to buy you for 3 gold! Tsk!"

When her mother said those words, it made her cry louder. Those words just proves that her parents doesn't want her. Those words just proves that she was just a nuisance to them.

The father also got irritated, thus he kicked the child. "Stop crying! If I heard you and saw you cry one more time, you won't only get a kick from me!"

Feira tremble in fear so she tried her best from not crying. She look at the back of her parents as she left her alone from that place.

She weakly went to her room and locked herself in. She sat on the floor and hugged her legs. She silently cries as she remember how her mother and father treated her. She cries hoping that the pain she felt from the kick and from the slap would go away.

Next morning, as what Feira's parents said, the old man indeed went to fetch her up.

Feira's mother brushed her hair and made her look presentable. Feira got goosebumps as she saw the old man licked his lips the moment he saw her.

Feira tried to hide behind her mother, but the old man already got hold of her wrist. The old man pulled her.

"Let's go, little one" the old man said before dragging her back to his house.

Once they arrived at the old man's house, the old man immediately brought her to his room.

Feira got more nervous and felt that something bad will happen. She looked at the old man and she saw how he licked his lips again.

She immediately closed her eyes when the old man started to strip. But, the moment she closed her eyes a hand was already touching her thigh up to her private part.

She screamed.

She tried to resist from the old man's grasp but she couldn't. She could only helplessly scream and plead to let her go as the old man do what he wants with her.

That was their set-up everyday. Feira eventually got tired and could only accept her fate.

Then one day, an opportunity to escape came. It was almost night time and Feira knows that she would get raped again by that old man. She saw how the old man leaves the house due to an emergency, who knows what.

She waited for a while before she escape from that house. She carefully look if there's still a trace of that old man. When she realize that there was none, she ran.


Her face went blank as her eyes become cold when she once again opened her eyes. Tears stopped falling as she finished recalling what happened to her.

She blandly laughed, "I should just kill myself"

"Go ahead" Feira almost jumped when she heard a young man's voice.

She turned around. Without a doubt, there was indeed a young man behind her. The young man was wearing what a normal adventurer wore. On the young man's thigh was a sniper. Feira gulped as she saw the weapon.

She even almost feint when the young man throw a dagger. The dagger fell in front of her.

"Kill yourself with this, that is the same dagger that the 2nd princess of Hesperia gave me when I was in your situation. Go ahead and use that dagger. That dagger is already yours to keep and yours to use" the young man said.

Feira slowly picked up the dagger. She stared at the dagger for a while.

"Go ahead and also learn how humans are animals." the young man said as he smiled.

Feira glared at him as the young man continue to insist. Does he know what he even talking about?! He really wants her to die?! What heart does he have?!

Angrily, she pointed the dagger towards her own chest. But, her hands was shaking as if her body was saying: "don't do it!"

She saw how the young man watched her. Tears once again fell down from her eyes. No one really want her to live, huh? Even a stranger is telling her to die.

She closed her eyes and tried to be brave to harm her own self. She moved her hand.


She stopped and dropped the dagger. She just couldn't kill herself...

She felt that the young man stands up and walks towards her direction. She also felt how the young man hugged her as if comforting her.

"No matter what hardships we humans face, at the end of the day we are still animals. It is natural that we do our best to struggle to live. It's an instinct that we, humans and animals, have. If you don't have this kind of instinct then you are worst from an animal." the young man said as he recall what a young girl told him the same thing before.

"What should I do?" the child cried at the young man's embrace.

He smiled and simply answered, "Live a new way of living"