A Path That Was Prepared


Von and Esperanza started to travel early in the morning. Esperanza told Von that he want to visit a certain place before they go on their own separate ways.

Tak transformed as a horse, so Von and Esperanza have something to ride on. Unlike Eli, Tak can't use this form for too long. That is also why, there are a lot of times where both Von and Esperanza have to travel by foot instead.

"Say, Von, do you have someone you want to get marry with?" Zhora asked in his smoke form.

Both Esperanza and Von got stunned by Zhora's sudden question. Zhora noticed this so he immediately explained, "I was just curious because of that stone we once saw."

Von smiled wryly. "I don't know, Zhora. Even if I might have someone I want to marry, I don't think I'd be able to"


"Because you can't run from responsibilities," she answered as she shook her head. "You just can't, no matter how much you try" she continues.

Esperanza then realizes where Von is coming from. She is still a princess of Hesperia after all. However, Zhora remain clueless.

"Just look at this way, Zhora. When you are privilege to have something, there'll always be an equivalent consequence or cause for it. My mere identity and title gave me a lot of benefits, in exchange, enjoying my childhood was taken away from me. Despite how it looks from the outside, everything was a disaster inside. No matter how peaceful and blessed we seemed like, behind all of that is a non-stop war and trickery." Von explained.

"I get what you are saying, but I don't understand where you are coming from" Zhora got more confused.

"What I was trying to say is that I'm not free, Zhora. I may seem like it but I'm not."

"Who are you exactly?" Zhora has now become more curious.

"She's part of a royalty" Esperanza answered for Von. That is when Zhora finally understood everything. He can't help but to pity the young lady.

"It's funny how everyone thought that when you have power then it would also just mean that you are the most free person in the world. It's actually the other way around. The more you are on the top, the more people will observe every step you make. The castle that I once lived where everyone could only dream of, is in fact just a large cage for me" Von sarcastically laughed.

She let out a loud sigh, "That's why, I can't even think about who I want to marry at the moment. There's even a big possibility that my future husband has already been decided before I was even born"

"That's what you say, but don't you think what you are currently doing is already running away?" Esperanza commented.

Von smirked. "That is true, Esperanza. I don't know where this little feet of mine will take me. What I'm sure of is, I'm risking everything I have already. It wouldn't matter where this path leads me anymore"

Both Zhora and Esperanza got confused by what she meant. Von giggled. She tapped the hilt of her sword as she explain further, "My life is already at risk when I started running away. When they catch me, it's either my death is near or they'll give me a huge punishment which is much more worse than death"

Esperanza was shocked by what heard. "Then why...?"

"Why?" Von repeated his question before she laughed. "I mean, whichever I decide to go, there's only one result anyway. Death. So, I should atleast choose something I at least could enjoy for a while"

Esperanza then shut his mouth. Tak, who was silently listening to their conversation, sees his previous owner's to Von by what she have just said.

"If I remain at the castle, I would be forced to fight for the throne even if I have no desire to. Just for the sake of fighting for my own life. But, since I ran away I don't have to do that. I mah also be fighting for my own life right now since traveling also means surviving in the wild. You would never know where these road will take me since there are a lot of uncertainties than if I just remain at the castle." Von continued.

Tak also remember it's previous master saying how he risks his life everyday. Tak could not comprehend what he says as what Esperanza and her was only trying to do was travel. Tak thinks that there might be a bigger picture to it. After all, you never know when your travel will end. Just like how Tak didn't saw it coming that her and Esperanza's adventures will suddenly end just like that.

"So, where are we going anyway?" Von asked.

Esperanza smiled, "We're gonna swim"

"Oh? That sounds fun" she said as she stretches her arms.