Playing Match Maker.

I know I know, why would I ask her the reason off course i want her to have my number. "Huh...well...i heard you're good in English and I needed to ask some questions. Uhm, if..yo...u uhm don't want to, I can just go" she answered with a really cute expression. "No! I'll give you my number"

I knew I hadn't used my phone in a while but I still remembered my number. I spelled out my number to her "will you remember it or should I write it down for you?" "No I remember it, thanks" she said with a cute smile. Such a cute smile, I could look at her all day. "When you have the chance, send me a message so I'll be able to save your number" then she nodded.

She finally walked out. I couldn't hide my happiness, I screamed forgetting that people were around me. I looked by my side and I saw Cole, his mouth was open wide in agape.

He was very surprised, "what just happened?!" I replied him while blushing so much "well, apparently I just kissed my magic girl, unbelievable right?" "wow! Am so happy for you".

I observed the expression on his face and it showed a sign of sadness "but you don't look happy". "well some get lucky to make out with someone you fell in love with in just a day while some others cant approach their love even after 4 years" he heaved a sigh.

I understood what he was trying to say. I saw the way he looked at Jerald when I talked to him like he wanted him "do you mean jerald?".

He was shocked "how do you know?", "well because it was pretty obvious and am sure he knows it too, maybe he even feels the same" I said trying to lighten up his mood. Why do I even care?. "Naah, you don't need to give me false hopes. Am not even sure if he swings that way" he said depressingly.

For some reason I felt sorry for him, I mean 4 years of hiding your love. I patted him on his back "there there" and without thinking, I hugged him.

I looked up and I saw Jerald standing right in front of the class, his eyes met with mine and he immediately walked out. Why did he walk out suddenly? Is he jealous?. That gave me two theories, either he liked Cole or me. This gave me the urge to help Cole out.

I went home with all smiles still thinking about what happened between me and Linda. Seeing me so happy made my parents surprised, they probably expected me to have had a bad day.

"so darling, how was school?" mom asked curiously "She was magical...sorry I meant school was magicaI, i love school!". Mom and dad stared at me in surprise then I rolled my eyes

"what? Don't you want me to like school?" They shook their head in decline and then I remembered about my phone "oh yes, mom where is my phone? I have some friends I need to contact". "friends? Well Huh..i think it's still in your drawer" mom replied, I ran upstairs as I said "thanks mom! "


Ella's mom was really happy. She turned to her husband "I like this side of her", "yes she's never been this happy for a long time but didn't she see that Linda girl?" Ella's dad replied and Ella's mom gave him an angry look and hit him with her elbow "ouch that hurt, what was that for?" he said while holding his arm. Ella's mom pointed out ":( You shouldn't ask things like that, she's really happy and that's all we need to hope for" "well I was just curious :/" Ella's dad replied.


I reached my room and I immediately dropped my bag, opened my drawer and took out my phone. I cleaned the dust with my palm and I turned it on. I connected it to the power cord but I didn't see any message.

I waited for 10 minutes then I got a message saying "Hi this is jerald, the guy sitting in front of you in class.

Jerald? Why is he texting me and how does he have my number? Maybe I should use this opportunity to help Cole, it's god sent. "So how did you get my number, I don't remember telling you"

**** On phone

Jerald:I came into the class when u gave Linda your number. You seemed to like her.

Ella: And you seem to be a love expert

Jerald: Then why were you hugging Cole?

Ella: Someone's jealous, so u do like Cole. Are you jealous?

Jerald: Am just looking out for Cole, you already like Linda so you shouldn't play with his feelings.

Ella: Don't worry, he has someone he likes.

Jerald: Oh so am screwed already

Ella: So u do like him!

Jerald: I didn't say that, it's just...

Ella: You dont have to stress, he likes you silly.

Jerald: For real?

Ella: Yes, I was just consoling him when I hugged him because he hasn't been able to approach you

Jerald: really? :)

Ella: Yes am serious

Jerald: wow! I need to tell him that I love him very much!

Ella: Then meet us at our lunch table tomorrow

Jerald: Thanks Ella, you're the best.

Ella: yeah yeah, whatever. Now delete my number and never message me again.

Tch, young love. I smiled to myself. I neatly ironed my uniform and I kept them. I had dinner and I went to bed. I kept rolling and rolling on bed, I just couldn't sleep. I kept thinking of what happened between me and Linda. I stood up from bed, turned on the lights and I started pacing around then I remembered my bestee.

I took out my diary and my pen from my drawer and I wrote;

"" Hey bestee, am sorry I only rendered you because I couldn't sleep. School was fantastic, I met a girl I fell in love with right at first sight. She's really pretty, and you won't believe it that I got a kiss from her! Well it wasn't intentional but it happened. Her name is Linda, I guess am destined to fall in love with girls named Linda right? . Finally I can let go of Linda of my past and focus on Linda of my present and future. Don't worry, this Linda is really nice. Oh I met a guy at school today, his name's Cole and I kind of helped him with his love situation. I told you school was awesome, I can't believe am already making friends on my first day. Probably people aren't bad anymore, I guess I shouldn't worry about opening up to people now. Hmm..i think my mind is at rest now, thanks bestee. You're the best!""

I kept my diary and my pen back in my drawer, turned off the lights and went to bed. At school I couldn't get the chance to tell Cole what happened last night. At lunch I met him sitting alone at the table. I smiled and went up to him.

"Hi Cole, you've been scarce today" "yeah, same old loveless life" Cole said depressingly. I knew that what I'll say to him would make him happy, I grinned "how bout I cheer you up with some good news". He sighed "if it ain't about Jerald then it ain't good new. Don't wanna hear it" I chuckled "well it's actually About jerald"

I looked face and I saw it beamed already in just a few seconds. "oh well since you don't wanna hear, I might as well-" He interrupted with excitement "tell me now!". "woah cool off boy, well Jerald chatted me up yesterday" I said, a frown grew on his face "So this is your definition of good news? why did he chat you up? Does he like you? I thought you liked Linda?!"

I knew that would annoy him, I laughed and it made him more annoyed "hey what you laughing about? What's so funny?" "he likes you! He told me yesterday!" I said with so much excitement to see his expression. Cole beamed immediately and he held my too shoulders like his life was at stake to do it "really??" and I nodded in reply.

He hugged me so tight and he kept on saying "thank you, thank you thank you". That drew everyone's attention, I faked smiled at them and slowly removed his arms from around me but he still hugged me again.

I looked back at everyone and then I saw cole staring at us. I innocently smiled at him and waved for him to come over but he angrily left. He probably misunderstood "Huh Cole, I think you're gonna lose to love before even getting it" "what do you mean" Cole said as he removed his arms from around me "well your lover just angrily left, he probably misunderstood this" I replied back.

Within seconds Cole was already out of there. I smiled feeling so happy for Cole.